National Gallery
Charles Baudelaire died #OnThisDay in 1867. He appears in Edouard Manet's 'Music in the Tuileries Gardens', Manet's first major work depicting modern city life. The painting hangs in Room 41:
French painter Édouard Manet was born this day in 1832. Celebrate with "Before the Mirror" (1876), on view now in our Thannhauser gallery:
"Sketch of Tama," by Édouard Manet, 1875. Graphite on paper, 8.2 x 11 cm.
Charles Baudelaire died #OnThisDay in 1867. He appears in Edouard Manet's 'Music in the Tuileries Gardens', Manet's first major work depicting modern city life. The painting hangs in Room 41:
French painter Édouard Manet was born this day in 1832. Celebrate with "Before the Mirror" (1876), on view now in our Thannhauser gallery:
"Sketch of Tama," by Édouard Manet, 1875. Graphite on paper, 8.2 x 11 cm.
National Gallery of Art
This painting provides a glimpse of the sophisticated Parisian world Edouard Manet loved. He was uncomfortable in the countryside, preferring instead the finery of the city. These elegant men and coquettish young women are attending a masked ball held each year during Lent.
"Imagine," ran a description in the newspaper Figaro, "the opera house packed to the rafters, the boxes furnished out with all the pretty showgirls of Paris.” If you could step into this scene, what do you think you might hear? Smell? What do you think is actually going on?
Edouard Manet, “Masked Ball at the Opera,” 1873, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Gift of Mrs. Horace Havemeyer in memory of her mother-in-law, Louisine W. Havemeyer, 1982.75.1
This painting provides a glimpse of the sophisticated Parisian world Edouard Manet loved. He was uncomfortable in the countryside, preferring instead the finery of the city. These elegant men and coquettish young women are attending a masked ball held each year during Lent.
"Imagine," ran a description in the newspaper Figaro, "the opera house packed to the rafters, the boxes furnished out with all the pretty showgirls of Paris.” If you could step into this scene, what do you think you might hear? Smell? What do you think is actually going on?
Edouard Manet, “Masked Ball at the Opera,” 1873, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Gift of Mrs. Horace Havemeyer in memory of her mother-in-law, Louisine W. Havemeyer, 1982.75.1
Celebrate the birth of French painter Édouard Manet today with his 1876 painting "Before the Mirror" from the Guggenheim collection on view now in our Thannhauser gallery:
Edouard Manet, sometimes called the first Modernist and the last Old Master, was born #onthisday in 1832
Happy birthday to Édouard Manet. This master painter, featured in “Faces of Impressionism,” depicted more than just pretty faces in “The Balcony”: the models are his three friends--painter Berthe Morisot (left), painter Antoine Guillemet (center), and violinist Fanny Claus (right). Morisot herself referred to her somber, absorbed expression as “strange rather than ugly” and was amused by the description of her image by some visitors to the Salon of 1869 as a “femme fatale.”Musée d'Orsay (officiel)
Impressionist artist Edourad Manet's 'Corner of a Café-Concert' was originally the right half of a painting of the Brasserie de Reichshoffen, begun in about 1878 and cut in two by Manet before he completed it:
Illustration :
Edouard Manet, Clair de lune sur le port de Boulogne (1869)
81,5 x 101 cm
Paris, musée d'Orsay
© RMN-Grand Palais (Musée d'Orsay) / Hervé Lewandowski
Edouard Manet, Clair de lune sur le port de Boulogne (1869)
81,5 x 101 cm
Paris, musée d'Orsay
© RMN-Grand Palais (Musée d'Orsay) / Hervé Lewandowski
Images d'art 新增了 5 張相片。
在倫敦的藝術品犯罪跟蹤機構Art Loss Register的資料庫內登記有全球范圍超過18萬件被盜藝術品,其中包括572幅畢加索的作品、169幅雷諾阿的作品和16幅卡拉瓦喬的作品。該機構經理韋考特為我們介紹了一些最值錢的被盜藝術品。
失蹤名畫:油畫《演奏會》(The Concert)
被盜前存放地:美國波士頓伊沙貝拉﹒斯圖亞特﹒佳德納博物館(Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum)
說明:1990年3月18日,竊賊假扮成波士頓警官進入博物館盜走了此畫,同時被盜的還有倫勃朗名作《翻騰的大海》(The Stormy Sea)、莫奈(Edouard Manet)的《Chez Tortoni》和其他幾幅名畫。
失蹤文物:“拜佔庭十字架”(Byzantine Cross)及其他幾件文物。十字架由黃金制成,並鑲嵌有珍珠和寶石。
被盜前存放地:比利時托爾奈大教堂(Tournai Cathedral)
失蹤名畫:油畫《穿紅背心的少年》(Boy with Red Vest)和其他幾幅名畫
作者:塞尚(Paul Cezanne)
被盜前存放地:蘇黎世布爾勒收藏館(E.G.Burhle Collection)
說明:2008年2月10日,此畫與梵高(Vincent van Gogh)、莫奈和德加(Edgar Degas)的幾幅名畫一同被盜。此後梵高和莫奈的畫被追回,但最值錢的德加和塞尚的畫仍不知去向。
失蹤名畫:油畫《離開尼厄嫩教堂》(Congregation Leaving the Reformed Church in Nuenen)和其他幾幅名畫
作者:梵高(Vincent van Gogh)
被盜前存放地:荷蘭阿姆斯特丹梵高美術館(Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam)
說明:2002年12月7日,兩名竊賊用梯子爬上屋頂進入美術館內盜走此畫,同時被盜的還有梵高的另一幅作品《施凡寧根的海景》(View of the Sea at Scheveningen)。
失蹤名畫:油畫《聖弗朗西斯和聖勞倫斯誕生》(Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence)
作者:卡拉瓦喬(Michelangelo Caravaggio)*
被盜前存放地:意大利巴洛莫聖洛倫佐教堂(Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam)
*翻譯有問題 : Nativity of Christ:耶穌聖誕;聖(耶)誕節:簡稱 Christmas。新約路加福音記述,若瑟從納匝肋城到猶太名叫伯利恒(白冷)的達味城去,好同自己懷孕的聘妻瑪利亞去登記,他們在那裡的時候,她生產 的日期滿了。便生出她的頭胎男兒,用襁褓將祂裹起,放在馬槽中…忽有一大隊天軍,同那天使一起讚頌天主說:天主在天受光榮,主愛的人在世享平安(路二4- 14)。
The Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence (also known as The Adoration) is a painting from 1609 by the Italian Baroque master Caravaggio .It was stolen on October 16, 1969 from the Oratory of San Lorenzo in Palermo, Sicily.
Wikipedia article "Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence".
Wikipedia article "Lawrence of Rome".失蹤名畫:油畫《女子頭像》(Head of a Woman)
作者:畢加索(Pablo Picasso)
說明:1999年3月23日,此畫在一艘屬於沙特某百萬富翁的遊艇上被偷盜。據Art Loss Register資料的資料顯示,這幅畫是直接從畢加索的私人收藏中購得,從未出借給任何博物館或是在任何公開場合下展出。
失蹤名畫:油畫《圖維列海灘》(Beach in Pourville)
作者:莫奈(Edouard Manet)
被盜前存放地:波蘭國家博物館(Polish National Museum)
失蹤藝術品:銅塑《側臥像》(Reclining Figure)
作者:亨利﹒摩爾(Henry Moore)
被盜前存放地:亨利﹒摩爾基金會(Henry Moore Foundation)
失蹤名畫:油畫《靠近奧維村》(Near Auvers-sur-Oise)
作者:塞尚(Paul Cezanne)
被盜前存放地:英國牛津阿什莫爾博物館(Ashmolean Museum)
失蹤名畫:油畫《婦女肖像》(Portrait of a Woman)
作者:克林姆(Gustav Klimt)
被盜前存放地:意大利皮亞琴察Ricci Oddi藝術館。
Featured Artwork of the Day: Édouard Manet (French, 1832–1883) | The Flying Raven, Ex Libris for The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe | 1875