2017年2月26日 星期日

歌詠勞動的藝術品 (日內瓦的WTO總部建築......)


Artist Maurice Denis putting finishing touches to
his mural “The Dignity of Labour” (1931)
A broad staircase takes the visitor from the reception area to the first floor landing, which is decorated on both sides with large murals depicting various trades, crafts and professions. On the east side wall the French artist Maurice Denis painted “The Dignity of Labour”.
On the west side of the landing the Irish artist Sean Keating continued in his mural the theme of representing labour in all its f

The Park
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The William Rappard Park on the east side of the CWR
The William Rappard Park, situated between the Villa Barton and the Geneva Botanical Gardens, offers one of the most beautiful views of Lake Geneva and the Alps rising from the opposite shore. The park is equally remarkable for its gigantic twin cedars, well over a hundred years old, as well as a magnificent blue Arizona cypress.
The most-visited tree is the giant Latvian oak planted in 1923. Other trees of interest include the blue cedar from the Atlas mountains, Lebanon cedars, and beech trees.
The largest sculpture in the park is titled “The human effort” and was sculpted by the Geneva artist James Vibert in 1935. You will also find in the park other gifts of statuary, including an ornamental fountain surmounted by a giant Neptune, a delicate statue “The young girl at the piano” as well as a fine sculpted horse.

Artist James Vibert’s “The Human Effort”, in the William Rappard Park 
