2022年4月11日 星期一

Easter cycle. Marc Chagall, "Exodus," 1966. Easter, 1968

 Easter cycle :復活期:自復活節起,至聖神降臨節-五旬節,共五十天。

Easter cycle

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The Easter cycle is the sequence of the seasons and days in the Christian liturgical year which are pegged to the date of Easter, either before or after it.[1][2] In any given calendar year, the timing of events within the Easter cycle is dependent on the calculation of the date of Easter itself.

Western Christianity[edit]

The following liturgical seasons and days, celebrated by various traditions within Western Christianity, are celebrated a fixed amount of time either before or after the day of Easter.

The Centrality Of Easter And The Easter Season

April 22, 2015

Easter is not over, yet. While the public celebration of Easter seems to come in a shorter burst than, say, Christmas, Easter is the biggest holy day and longest festival celebration in the Christian year. Where Christmas is twelve days, Easter is seven weeks. I have tried my best to make up an "on the forty-first day of Easter"-type song, but stalled out at day twenty. How many times can you give someone Cadbury eggs?

Easter, 1968 - by Marc Chagall
