2020年5月19日 星期二

Jon Whiteley (1945d~2020)

We are sad to announce the death of Dr Jon Whiteley. In a career of 38 years at the Ashmolean he was a dedicated teacher; one of the country’s most distinguished art historians; and a well-loved colleague & friend to everyone who knew & worked with him.
Jon taught generations of Oxford students and inspired thousands of us. Even now, at this sad time, he still lives at the Ashmolean in the collections that he helped shape. We would love to hear your memories of Jon – do please share them with us below.

He wrote his doctorate on the French painter Paul Delaroche

Paul DelarocheH·保羅·德拉羅什 (17 July 1797 – 4 November 1856) was a French painter who achieved his greater successes painting historical scenes. He became famous in Europe for his melodramatic depictions that often portrayed subjects from English and French history.

Jon Whiteley (1 March 2004), The Ashmolean Museum: Complete Illustrated Catalogue of Paintings, Ashmolean Museum, ISBN 978-1854441874
Jon Whiteley (1 January 1989), Oxford and the Pre-Raphaelites, Ashmolean Handbooks (second ed.), Ashmolean Museum, ISBN 978-0907849940
Jon Whiteley (July 1979), 19th Century European Drawings in the Ashmolean Museum, Ashmolean Museum, ISBN 978-0900090622
Jon Whiteley (31 January 2011), Lucien Pissarro in England: The Eragny Press 1895-1914, Ashmolean Museum, ISBN 978-1854442536
Jon Whiteley (28 December 2011), Claude Lorrain and the Poetry of Landscape, Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd
Jon Whiteley (June 1977), Ingres, Hippocrene Books, ISBN 978-0846702498
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