2019年2月1日 星期五

Bauhaus 百年群英傳 (2 ): Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886~1969); Ludwig Mies van der Roh - Baukunst; Iit Campus, Crown Hall. Lake Shore Drive Apartments... Seagram Building

Bauhaus 百年群英傳 (2 ): Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886~1969)



Neue Nationalgalerie - Wikipedia
The Neue Nationalgalerie (New National Gallery) at the Kulturforum is a museum for modern art in Berlin, with its main focus on the early 20th century. It is part of the National Gallery of the Berlin State Museums. The museum building and its sculpture gardens were designed by Ludwig Mies van der R...

Altes Museum - Wikipedia
Altes Museum - Wikipedia

“Nature, too, shall live its own life. We must beware not to disrupt it with the color of our houses and interior fittings. Yet we should attempt to bring nature, houses, and human beings together into a higher unity.” — #MiesvanderRohe, who died #otd 49 years ago 👉 tsc.hn/49212fb

Hao-Hsiu Chiu

昨日西班牙館以關注經濟危機下『未完成』建築得到國家館首獎,巴拉圭建築事務所Gabinete de Arquitectura提出方法以有限在地資源 - 簡單材料與不純熟勞工,來服務貧困社區因而拿到金獅獎,相當程度反映了全球經濟在幾輪走鋼索吹泡沫後,回歸服務社會日常的平實建造本質.
引用剛好讀到Kenneth Frampton在『建構文化研究』書中提及的一段,1958年Norbert-Schulz訪談Mies van der Rohe時Mies說:『對於"設計"一詞我們已經沒有多少好感,因為它可以涵蓋一切,但又不說明任何關鍵問題。許多人以為自己從設計一把梳子到規劃一座火車站無所不能,事實上是什麼也做不好。我們只對建造感興趣,我們更願意建築師使用"建造"一詞,而最好的建築來自於"建構"(德語Baukunst, 意為建造藝術 art of building)。』
Spain wins the Golden Lion for best pavilion at the Venice Architecture…

“There is an art to restoration,” says Mark Sexton of Chicago's Krueck + Sexton, who took on a mighty task of restoring Mies' Crown Hall at IIT. “You have to deeply understand the building and design around it.”

A decade ago, restoration and sustainability met at Chicago’s Crown Hall.

Mies Van Der Rohe - Iit Campus

Front Cover
Birkhäuser, 2002 - Architecture - 83 pages
"The texts were written by a single person (complemented by a report from an inhabitant); the photographs, reproduced in duotone, all come from the same lens using an approach repeated again and again. Both attempt to show the objective state of affairs of Mies van der Rohe's solitary buildings with carefully collected and organized materials. An inner confrontation over decades opened up access to Mies' oeuvre for Werner Blaser, and thus, to this publication." "The legacy of Mies van der Rohe's most fruitful intentions is thus visually assessed with in part unpublished picture material. Those with a more critical attitude will also be creatively confronted with the roots of good architecture through the intensity of the presentation, which will hopefully provide new stimulus."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Mies Van Der RoheCrown Hall

Front Cover
BirkhäuserJan 1, 2001 - Architecture - 83 pages

1952/53 erbaute Mies van der Rohe die Crown Hall in Chicago: das Domizil fur Architektur, Stadt- und Regionalplanung auf dem Campus des Illinois Institute of Technology. Das Stahl- und Glasgebaude kommt ohne innere Stutzen aus, das Dach ist an vier Stahltragern aufgehangt. In der Halle - einem ganz grossen Raum mit niedrigen Wandabschlussen - sind Zeichenraum, Bibliothek und Ausstellungsraum untergebracht, im Untergeschoss die Unterrichtsraume und Werkstatten. Mies Suche nach immer klareren Strukturen gelangt in diesem Bau zur Meisterschaft. Werner Blaser, ehemaliger Mitarbeiter Mies van der Rohes, liefert eine sorgfaltige, von personlichen Erfahrungen gepragte Darstellung dieses epochemachenden Gebaudes in Text und Bild.

Mies Van Der Rohe, Lake Shore Drive ApartmentsHigh-Rise Building/Wohnhochhaus

Front Cover
Birkheauser - Publishers for ArchitectureJan 1, 1999 - Architecture - 89 pages
"The texts were written by a single person (complemented by a report from an inhabitant); the photographs, reproduced in duotone, all come from the same lens using an approach repeated again and again. Both attempt to show the objective state of affairs of Mies van der Rohe's solitary buildings with carefully collected and organized materials. An inner confrontation over decades opened up access to Mies' oeuvre for Werner Blaser, and thus, to this publication." "The legacy of Mies van der Rohe's most fruitful intentions is thus visually assessed with in part unpublished picture material. Those with a more critical attitude will also be creatively confronted with the roots of good architecture through the intensity of the presentation, which will hopefully provide new stimulus."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Leading modern architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was born today in 1886. Mies is known for his buildings (like the Seagram Building in midtown Manhattan, shown here in a 1950's model) as well as his furniture, like the MR Side Chair. http://bit.ly/1ykzal0
[Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, with Philip Johnson, Kahn & Jacobs. Joseph E. Seagram and Sons Office Building, New York, New York. 1954-58]
