2019年2月2日 星期六

黃健敏:《閱讀貝聿銘》《貝聿銘的世界》《世紀建築大師:貝聿銘》: Spotlight: I.M. Pei ; "The National Gallery of Art’s East Building: 40 Years Young"


 1999 - 閱讀貝聿銘,建築,黃健敏/編,田園城市文化事業有限公司,本書係呈現貝聿銘對現代建築的觀點,作品風格的解析,對中國民族化建築的探索等方面 ...




  • 其人篇 其作篇 其書篇 附錄



The Grand Architectural Master: I. M. Pei

  • 出版社:藝術家  
  • 出版日期:2018/06/26
  • 語言:繁體中文





Wikipedia 各國語言的,都很不詳細,所以要多參考黃健敏等人的專業說明,圖片也很豐富。
The German Historical Museum (GermanDeutsches Historisches Museum), known by the acronym DHM, is a museum in BerlinGermanydevoted to German history.









  1993年起參與台灣公共藝術政策與執行之工作,著書撰文鼓吹「生活藝術化,藝術生活化」的理念。2002 年1月至2004年7月出任《建築師》雜誌副社長兼主編,致力推動建築文化活動,策劃建築師公會與台北市文化局共同舉辦33場「世界都市建築」系列演講,爾後與聯經出版事業股份有限公司合作,策劃「魅力都市.建築世界」系列演講70場。




004  序∕歷歲逾年  筆耕大師貝聿銘
     Forward: Writings on I. M. Pei
006  世紀大師∕建築師貝聿銘
     The Grand Architectural Master
026  高原美境∕圓石全國大氣研究中心
     National Center for Atmospheric Research, NCAR, Boulder, CO
040  適地塑形∕華府國家藝廊東廂
     National Gallery of Art, East Building / Washington D. C.
056  摩天竹節∕香港中銀大廈
     Bank of China Tower / Hong Kong
072  活力殿堂∕克利夫蘭搖滾樂名人堂
     Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum / Cleveland, OH
084  桃源鄉記∕滋賀美秀美術館
     Miho Museum / Shiga, Japan
098  都市劇場∕德國柏林歷史博物館
     Deutsches Historisches Museum / Berlin, German
110  姑蘇新傳∕蘇州博物館
     Suzhou Museum / Suzhou, China
128  陽光建築∕杜哈伊斯蘭藝術博物館
     Museum of Islamic Museum / Doha, Qatar
148  百年紀事∕貝聿銘生平年表
157  索引
165  誌謝襄助
165  參考書目
     Selected Bibliography

"Hanching Chung‎ 發文到 黃健敏
老兄,您今年出版的 貝聿銘,很好,而且物美價廉,有空來漢清講堂INTERVIEW,如何?"
然而,維基百科,自由的百科全書的I. M. Pei,英文版,很好,請有興趣的朋友參考。

貝聿銘(Ieoh Ming Pei) 2008年:卡達杜哈伊斯蘭藝術博物館 http://www.mia.org.qa/en/


Modern Architecture: A Critical History by Kenneth Frampton
初版1980, 二版1985, 三版1992(376頁,362圖,$14.95), 四版 2007 (424頁,420圖,$19.27)
這本第3版,只一處提到 I.M. Pei ,法國羅浮宮擴增。

但是法國著名文人Philippe Sollers在 與名建築師Christian de Portzamparc對話中,對The National Gallery of Art’s East Building崇拜有加!

Writing and Seeing Architecture — University of Minnesota Press

https://www.upress.umn.edu › Book Division › Books 此書中文版直接翻譯自法文版
Writing and Seeing Architecture unveils a candid conversation between Christian de Portzamparc, celebrated French architect, and influential theorist Philippe Sollers that challenges us to see the analogous nature of writing and architecture.

華裔建築大師 貝聿銘 九十八歲了
剛剛看到新聞, 在紐約家中,被28歲看護 虐待,看護被控傷害罪

A home health aide to I. M. Pei, the renowned 98-year-old architect, has been charged with assaulting him inside his home in New York, the authorities said.
Mr. Pei told the police that the aide, Eter Nikolaishvili, 28, grabbed his right forearm and forcefully twisted it on Dec. 13. The authorities said Mr. Pei’s arm was bruised and bleeding after the attack.
The police investigated for two weeks before arresting Ms. Nikolaishvili on Tuesday. She was arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court on a charge of felony assault and was released without bail.
The aide’s lawyer did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment.
Mr. Pei’s designs include the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston and the glass and steel pyramid at the Louvre in Paris.
In 1983, Mr. Pei was awarded the Pritzker Prize, known as the Nobel Prize of architecture.

Courtesy of http://blog.newx.com/

Chinese-American architect Ieoh Ming Pei (born April 26, 1917), is arguably the greatest living member of the modernist generation of architects. When he received his Pritzker Prize in 1983, the jury citation stated that he “has given this century some of its most beautiful interior spaces and exterior forms.”

Le Grand Louvre © Greg Kristo. ImageLe Grande Louvre

Born in Suzhou, China, I.M. Pei grew up in Hong Kong and Shanghai before deciding to move to the United States to study architecture. Though he was uninspired by the Beaux-Arts traditions at both the University Pennsylvania and MIT, a professor convinced him to persevere. He received his Bachelor’s degree in 1940, when the second Sino-Japanese War forced him to abandon his plans to return to his home country – in the end a fortuitous event for the young architect, as it allowed him to discover the Graduate School of Design at Harvard, where Pei worked with Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer.

Bank of China Tower. Image © Stephen Chipp – http://www.flickr.com/photos/stephenchipp/

Pei founded his own practice in 1955, then known as I. M. Pei & Associates but later changing its name to Pei & Partners in 1966 and finally to Pei Cobb Freed & Partners in 1989. During these years, the firm’s most well known work is likely his crystalline extension to the Louvre in Paris; other highly influential works include the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong, the East Building of the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC and the JFK Presidential Library in Boston. In 1990, Pei retired from full-time practice, progressively reducing his workload over the following decades. However, he still takes on some work as an architectural consultant, often for Pei Partnership Architects, the firm founded by his sons Chien Chung Pei and Li Chung Pei.

JFK Presidential Library. Image © Daniel Cooper

Join us this summer for a Sunday lecture series on "Celebrating the East Building of the National Gallery of Art: 40th Anniversary."
The Gallery's East Building, designed by architect I.M. Pei, first opened to the public on June 1, 1978. This innovative and remarkably adaptable building has hosted major national and international exhibitions over the past 40 years. The East Building is also home to the Gallery’s collection of modern art. This summer’s Sunday lecture series celebrates 40 years of exhibitions and acquisitions in this iconic building.
Tomorrow, July 15, at 2:00 pm, hear from deputy administrator for capital projects & chief architect Susan Wertheim on "The National Gallery of Art’s East Building: 40 Years Young":https://go.usa.gov/xURs5

Though known as a modernist, Pei has rejected the implications of globalism inherent in the “International Style,” instead advocating contextual development and variation in style. He has commented that “the important distinction is between a stylistic approach to the design; and an analytical approach giving the process of due consideration to time, place, and purpose.” On a trip to China in 1974 he even urged Chinese architects to look more to their architectural tradition, rather than designing in a Western style.

East Building, National Gallery of Art. Image © Flickr: username- Andy961

Check out some of Pei’s greatest works featured on ArchDaily via the thumbnails below:

Cite:Stott, Rory. "Spotlight: I.M. Pei" 26 Apr 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 26 Apr 2015.
