Opening tomorrow: “Louis Kahn: The Power of Architecture.” Admission is FREE. #KimbellKahn #PowerofArchitecture
"Kahn-ye" West? It's not every day you read an article about Louis Kahn and Kanye West. In case you don't recognize it, the lead image is the stairwell in the Gallery's 1953 Louis Kahn-designed building. Come see it for yourself. We are open Tue-Fri 10-5; Thurs until 8pm (Sept-June); Sat & Sun 11-5. After a tour of the Gallery's encyclopedic collection, spread across three buildings and 1.5 city blocks, cross Chapel Street to visit Kahn's other New Haven masterpiece, the Yale Center for British Art. #freeandopentothepublic
Kimbell Art Museum
Oh, how Louis Kahn’s legacy can bring a smile to your face.
Oh, how Louis Kahn’s legacy can bring a smile to your face.
Spirit in the Architecture of Louis I. Kahn
Y. Y. Liu 2009
在國內時嚮往「現代建築」,留學到美國銜接的卻是「現代建築後期」(如Louis Kahn),回到國內這個世界已在談「後現代」。他認為目前走向是「超現代」(歷經後現代,又回到現代,但加上科技,更精確控制環境。如Norman Foster的 London City Hall)。
他提到科博館因是要滿足對現代理性的追求,採用現代建築(感覺他對現代建築比較自在,至於提到超現代等他就覺得自己已經不太了解了)。......."漢寶德編譯:路易士.康 Louis I. Kahn台中:境與象 1972
溫維謙譯:路易斯.康 Louis I. Kahn 台北:茂榮 1977
分四部Silence and Light
The Sense of Man
The Sense of Place
The Institutions of Man