2018年12月30日 星期日

Viktor Hartmann. Pictures at an Exhibition

【MUZIK Radio 📡 蛋中的雛雞之舞】
1873年,建築家兼畫家哈德曼 (Victor Hartmann) 逝世,隔年,他的好友們特別在聖彼得美術館舉行一場紀念展覽,除了水彩、素描外,也有建築設計、器皿設計等一共400餘件,穆索斯基一一觀看了摯友的遺作,並將這些畫作帶給他的衝擊進而創作成《展覽會之畫》這首鋼琴組曲。
其中曲目第 9 的〈蛋中的雛雞之舞〉,這幅畫是哈德曼為芭蕾舞劇《Trilby》設計的服裝和幕景,舞者穿著猶如蛋殼般的舞衣,頭髮戴著類似雞冠的盔甲,彷彿是殼裡未孵化的雛雞。
文字參考來源:謬斯客-愛樂大百科 2008 年 9 月號 No.24

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Viktor Alexandrovich Hartmann was a Russian architect and painter. He was associated with the Abramtsevo Colony, purchased and preserved beginning in ...
Pictures at an Exhibition is a suite of ten pieces (plus a recurring, varied Promenade) ... "Pictures from an Exhibition – A Remembrance of Viktor Hartmann"; French: Tableaux d'une exposition) is a suite of ten pieces (plus a recurring, varied ...

Arts critic Alfred Frankenstein gave an account of Hartmann, with reproductions of his pictures, in the article "Victor Hartmann and Modeste Mussorgsky" in The Musical Quarterly (July 1939).[11]Frankenstein claimed to have identified seven pictures by catalogue number, corresponding to:
  • "Tuileries" (now lost)
  • "Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks"
  • "Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuÿle" (Frankenstein suggested two separate portraits, still extant, as the basis for "Two Jews: Rich and Poor")
  • "Catacombs"
  • "The Hut on Hen's Legs"
  • "The Bogatyr Gates"
The surviving works that can be shown with certainty to have been used by Mussorgsky in assembling his suite, along with their titles, are as follows:[12]
MovementTitleTitle (English)Picture
No. 5: "Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks"Эскизы театральных костюмов к балету ТрильбиSketches of theatre costumes for the ballet Trilby
Hartmann Chicks sketch for Trilby ballet.jpg
No. 6: "Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuÿle"Еврей в меховой шапке. СандомирJew in a fur cap. Sandomierz
The Rich Jew.jpg
Сандомирский [еврей]Sandomierz [Jew]
The Poor Jew.jpg
No. 8: "Catacombs"Парижские катакомбы (с фигурами В. А. Гартмана, В. А. Кенеля и проводника, держащего фонарь)Paris catacombs (with the figures of V. A. Hartmann, V. A. Kenel, and a guide holding a lantern)
Hartmann Paris Catacombs.jpg
No. 9: "The Hut on Hen's Legs"Избушка Бабы-Яги на курьих ножках. Часы в русском стилеThe hut of Baba-Yaga on hen's legs. Clock in the Russian style
No. 10: "The Bogatyr Gates"Проект городских ворот в Киеве. Главный фасадProject for city gates in Kiev. Main façade
Hartmann -- Plan for a City Gate.jpg
