Over the years, he taught in a variety of positions, schools, and artistic media, spreading and exchanging ideas. He took this ethic with him when he worked with Malevich in heading the suprematist art group UNOVIS, when he developed a variant suprematist series of his own, Proun, and further still in 1921, when he took up a job as the Russian cultural ambassador to Weimar Germany, working with and influencing important figures of the Bauhaus and De Stijl movements during his stay. In his remaining years he brought significant innovation and change to typography, exhibition design, photomontage, and book design, producing critically respected works and winning international acclaim for his exhibition design. This continued until his deathbed, where in 1941 he produced one of his last works – a Soviet propaganda poster rallying the people to construct more tanks for the fight against Nazi Germany. In 2014, the heirs of the artist, in collaboration with Van Abbemuseum and leading worldwide scholars on the subject, the Lissitzky Foundation was established in order to preserve the artist's legacy and to prepare a catalogue raisonné of the artist's oeuvre.
埃爾·利西茨基[1](俄語:Эль Лиси́цкий,本名「拉扎爾·馬爾科維奇·利西茨基」,俄語:Ла́зарь Ма́ркович Лиси́цкий;常用名為埃爾·利西茨基,1890年11月23日-1941年12月30日),為蘇聯藝術家、設計師、攝影師、印刷家、辯論家和建築師。他是俄羅斯先鋒派的重要人物。與他的導師馬列維奇協助發展至上主義。為蘇聯設計無數展覽品和宣傳品。他的作品大大影響包浩斯和建構主義運動,而且,他試驗生產技巧和修辭格,這主宰20世紀的圖形設計。
- ^ Shatskikh A. Vitebsk: The Life of Art. Yale University Press. 2007: 57. ISBN 0300101082.