2021年5月16日 星期日

禮拜天美術神遊 (63):Bust of Sylvette, NYU: University Village. SYLVETTE DAVID, 精彩的訪談 An Interview with Picasso's Famous Model and Muse, Sylvette David: 'The Woman with the Key,' by Rob Couteau

 禮拜天美術神遊 (63):Bust of Sylvette, NYU: University Village. SYLVETTE DAVID,   精彩的訪談 An Interview with Picasso's Famous Model and Muse, Sylvette David: 'The Woman with the Key,' by Rob Couteau


An Interview with Picasso's Famous Model and Muse, Sylvette David: 'The Woman with the Key,' by Rob Couteau. 精彩的訪談


Picasso's Bust of Sylvette | Art Nerd New York

NYC - Greenwich Village: Picasso's Bust of Sylvette | Flickr

October 17, 1967 – “Sylvette” gets the go-ahead - Village Preservation

The Real Bust of Sylvette | Art Nerd New York

Picasso's Bust of Sylvette, by Carl Nesjär — COCKTAILS & CURIOSITIES

Daily Photo Stream: Bust of Sylvette

University Village

The Silver Towers and 505 LaGuardia Place

Wikimedia | © OpenStreetMap
General information
Type Housing
Location Greenwich Village

紐約市大學廣場公寓(University Plaza),高達三十六英尺的「西維特像」,聳立在庭院,

19 I.M. Pei貝聿銘誌念
一九六六年完成的紐約市大學廣場公寓(University Plaza),高達三十六英尺的「西維特像」,聳立在庭院,貝聿銘終於圓了擁有畢卡索作品的心願。

* Although the site was landmarked in 2008, in 2010 NYU attempted to get permission to construct a fourth, even higher tower, which would have blocked the view of the bust. But because of fierce opposition to the project – which included a letter of protest from Sylvette herself – the plan was withdrawn.

In the courtyard at the center of the complex is a 36-foot-high (11 m) cubistic sculpture known as the Bust of Sylvette.[8] As its name indicates, it is a sculpture in-the-round of the head, neck, and shoulders of a woman named Sylvette David.[3][9] It was created by the Norwegian artist Carl Nesjär in 1968 and was done in collaboration with Pablo Picasso, who had created a 2-foot-high (0.61 m) version of the sculpture in folded metal, in 1954. Picasso was living in the south of France when he met the 20-year-old Sylvette through her boyfriend, Toby Jellinek .[15] Picasso was captivated by her blonde hair and face, and she would become the subject for over 40 pieces of artwork he produced during 1954.[15] The sculpture is noted for its use of the betograve technique of sandblasting concrete to create different textures and received a New York State Award from the New York State Council on the Arts in 1969.[3] A further plan by Christo and Jeanne-Claude in 1972 to wrap the sculpture in brown fabric was never completed.[3]

2021年5月15日 星期六

禮拜天美術神遊 (62):Joseph Beuys (1921 – 1986) 百年 人人都是藝術家 ;《7000橡樹》1982

禮拜天美術神遊 (62):Joseph Beuys (1921 – 1986) 百年  人人都是藝術家 ;《7000橡樹》1982


Joseph Beuys - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Jose...

Joseph Beuys (/bɔɪs/ BOYSS, German: [ˈjoːzɛf ˈbɔʏs]; 12 May 1921 – 23 January 1986) was a German artist, teacher, and theorist of art who was highly influential in international contemporary art in the latter half of the 20th century.

約瑟夫.波依斯(Joseph Beuys) 332
Joseph Beuys
Offset poster for Beuys' 1974 US lecture-series "Energy Plan for the Western Man", Ronald Feldman Gallery
Born12 May 1921
Died23 January 1986 (aged 64)
EducationKunstakademie Düsseldorf
Known forPerformancessculpturevisual artaestheticssocial philosophytheory of art
Notable work
How to Explain Pictures to a Dead HareFettecke

Joseph Beuys on his lecture "Jeder Mensch ist ein Künstler – Auf dem Weg zur Freiheitsgestalt des sozialen Organismus" photographed by Rainer Rappmann [de] in Achberg, Germany, 1978


Some of the 7,000 Oaks planted between 1982 and 1987 for documenta 7 (1982)

(德國之聲中文網)漁夫背心和帽子是他的標誌性行頭,油脂和毛氈是他偏愛的創作材料。他反對資本主義,想用藝術治癒世界,他就是約瑟夫•博伊斯(Joseph Beuys)——20世紀最著名、最具影響力的德國藝術家。藝術界對他的評價褒貶不一——直到今天依然有人對他狂熱崇拜,也有人對其嗤之以鼻。在其百年誕辰到來之際,.....

「人人都是藝術家」——在博伊斯的這句著名的口號下,3月27日,名為 「與約瑟夫‧博伊斯一起參與宇宙政治」(Cosmopolitical Exercises with Joseph Beuys)將在北萊茵-威斯特法倫藝術品珍藏館(Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen)的K20展館開幕:12個精選的博伊斯藝術行為和事件將通過同代人的影片或照片在屏幕和畫布上展現,周圍的鋼制腳手架桿上配有圖像、文字說明、圖片板和投影儀。

Pressebild Ausstellung Jeder Mensch ist ein Künstler - Kosmopolitische Übungen mit Joseph Beuys in K20



在上述展覽中,來訪者可以看到的行為藝術包括博伊斯1974年的「我喜歡美國,美國也喜歡我」的行為作品,當時這位藝術家讓自己和一隻土狼在紐約一家畫廊的房間裡共處了兩天——這不僅為他贏得了「薩滿」的稱號,也使其作品在藝術市場上的價格直沖雲霄。這張黑白照片記錄的是1982年第七屆卡塞爾(Kassel)文獻展上博伊斯發起的 「7000棵橡樹」植樹行動,當時博伊斯要表達的是「城市造林取代城市管理」的理念。1977年,博伊斯在第六屆卡塞爾文獻展上安裝了「工作場所的蜂蜜泵」——一種對資本主義的藝術批判。











然而,誰是那個頗具天賦的自我宣傳者?編造自己傳記,挑戰學院體制而被杜塞道夫藝術學院辭去教授職位?混跡新納粹圈的同時聯合創立了綠黨?誰是這位開著大賓利去兜風的環保人士?反資本主義的人道主義者同時又是曾間接幫助納粹的銀行家赫爾曼‧阿布斯(Hermann Josef Abs)的朋友?博伊斯是其狂熱崇拜者眼中那個有遠見的人?還是批評家口中的騙子?


© 2021年德國之聲版權聲明:本文所有內容受到著作權法保護,如無德國之聲特別授權,不得擅自使用。任何不當行為都將導致追償,並受到刑事追究。

對於藝術愛好者來說,博伊斯(Joseph Beuys)這個名字絕不會陌生。如果你不認識他,也不妨利用他百年誕辰這個機會了解一下!

2021年5月14日 星期五

Manuel Pallares, Pablo Picasso, 禮拜天美術神遊 (61):A Life of Picasso, Volume I: 1881-1906: John Richardson ...Pablo Picasso (1881~1973), Manuel Pallares (1876~1974), Horta de Ebro, The Reservoir, Horta de Ebro,


禮拜天美術神遊 (61):A Life of Picasso, Volume I: 1881-1906: John Richardson ...Pablo Picasso (1881~1973), Manuel Pallares (1876~1974), Horta de Ebro, The Reservoir, Horta de Ebro,
0:03 / 6:01


Pour moi, chaque tableau est une découverte. To me, each painting is a discovery.


Manuel Pallarès i Grau

生年月日: 1876年3月6日
死亡日: 1974年

 "Pour moi, chaque tableau est une étude."



加利福尼亞的巴勃羅·畢加索(Pablo Picasso)和曼努埃爾·帕拉雷斯(ManuelPallarès)

大衛·道格拉斯·鄧肯(David Douglas Duncan)攝影

"Pour moi, chaque tableau est une étude."
/Pablo Picasso/
Pablo Picasso et Manuel Pallarès, à la Californie
Photography by David Douglas Duncan
可能是 2 個人的黑白圖像

Portrait of Manuel Pallares. Date. Pablo Picasso, Spanish, 1881-1973, 1909. Medium. Pablo Picasso, Spanish, 1881-1973, oil on canvas. Dimensions. Pablo Picasso, Spanish, 1881-1973, Unframed: 26 3/4 × 19 1/2 inches (67.9 × 49.5 cm)

Pablo Picasso
Portrait of Manuel Pallares, 1909
oil on canvas