2022年2月26日 星期六

Edwin O. Reischauer ( 埃德溫·奧德法瑟·賴肖爾 1910~90 學者、外交家) 及哈佛大學講座(Lectures, Since 1991)相關叢書: 中譯本East Asian Civilizations: A Dialogue in Five Stages;The Lyric Journey: Poetic Painting in China and Japan

Edwin O. Reischauer  ( 埃德溫·奧德法瑟·賴肖爾 1910~90 學者、外交家)  及哈佛大學講座(Lectures,  Since 1991)相關叢書: 中譯本East Asian Civilizations: A Dialogue in Five Stages;The Lyric Journey: Poetic Painting in China and Japan


Edwin Reischauer, Diplomat and Scholar, Dies at 79

In 1970 Knopf published his ''Japan, the Story of a Nation,'' a revision of his ''Japan, Past and Present.'' A further updating, ''The Japanese,'' in 1977, quickly came to be regarded as a definitive work

On April 22, 1981, 退休演講,50年前

''As I remember, there were only two graduate students interested in East Asian studies when I first came here: myself and my brother.''

 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Edwin Oldfather Reischauer (/ˈrʃ.ər/; October 15, 1910 – September 1, 1990) was an American diplomat, educator, and professor at Harvard University. Born in Tokyo to American educational missionaries, he became a leading scholar of the history and culture of Japan and East Asia. Together with George M. McCune, a scholar of Korea, in 1939 he developed the McCune–Reischauer romanization of the Korean language.

Reischauer became involved in helping create US policy toward East Asia during and after World War II. President John F. Kennedy appointed Reischauer as the United States Ambassador to Japan, where he served from 1961 to 1966. Reischauer founded the Japan Institute at Harvard University in 1973 and was its founding director. It was later named for him.



  • Ennin's Travels in T'ang China, Ronald Press Company, 1955.
    • 『世界史上の円仁―唐代中国への旅』 実業之日本社、1963年/原書房、1984年/講談社学術文庫、1999年
  • Wanted: an Asian policy Knopf, 1955.
    • 『転機にたつアジア政策』 一橋書房、1957年。
  • The United States and Japan, Viking Press, 1965, 3rd ed.
    • 『ライシャワーの見た日本』 徳間書店、1967年/徳間文庫、1991年
  • Beyond Vietnam: the United States and Asia, Vintage Books, 1967.
  • The Japanese, Belknap Press, 1977.
  • Japan The Story of a Nation, C.E. Tuttle, 1978, 3rd ed.
  • My Life Between Japan and America, Harper & Row, 1986.
  • The Japanese Today : Change and Continuity, C.E. Tuttle, 1988.
    • 『ザ・ジャパニーズ・トゥデイ』 文藝春秋、1990年。
  • 『真の国際化とは』 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版、1988年、新装版2009年
  • 『日本近代の新しい見方』 講談社現代新書、1965年。大使在任中の著作
  • 『日本との対話 ライシャワー博士の考え方』 時事通信社〈時事新書〉、1961年。同上
  • 『日本への自叙伝』 NHK取材班構成・編、日本放送出版協会、1982年。
  • 『地球社会の教育 21世紀世界の人間づくり』 サイマル出版会、改訂版1984年


  • Ennin's Diary: The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law, Ronald Press Company, 1955.


  • 『ライシャワーの直言』 聞き手ジョン・ヤング+ビョンヘイ・チャン、赤谷良雄訳、日本リクルートセンター出版部(のちメディアファクトリー)、1983年
  • 『日本の国際化 ライシャワー博士との対話』 納谷祐二・小林ひろみ訳、文藝春秋、1989年。インタビュー形式での著作
  • 『ライシャワーの遺言』 納谷祐二・小林ひろみ著訳、講談社、1993年。同上
  • 『ライシャワー大使日録』 ハル夫人との共著、入江昭監修、講談社、1995年/講談社学術文庫、2003年


  • ジョージ・パッカード 『ライシャワーの昭和史』 森山尚美訳、講談社、2009年。著者は大使時代の特別補佐官
  • 上坂冬子 『ハル・ライシャワー』 講談社、1994年、講談社+α文庫、1999年
  • 高嶋幸世 『ノーマン家とライシャワー家 日本と北米の関係構築にはたした役割』シーズ・プランニング、2016年

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The Edwin O. Reischauer Lectures is a series of lectures at Harvard University sponsored by the John King Fairbank Center established in 1986 to be given annually in memory of Edwin O. Reischauer. The lectures are then published by Harvard University Press.

List of lectures[edit]

The Edwin O. Reischauer Lectures

Cover: The Borders of Chinese ArchitectureThe Borders of Chinese ArchitectureSteinhardt, Nancy ShatzmanHARDCOVER03/22/2022$55.00
Cover: Empire and Righteous Nation: 600 Years of China-Korea RelationsEmpire and Righteous Nation: 600 Years of China-Korea RelationsWestad, Odd ArneHARDCOVER01/12/2021$29.95
Cover: East Asian Development: Foundations and StrategiesEast Asian Development: Foundations and StrategiesPerkins, Dwight H.HARDCOVER10/28/2013$42.00
Cover: Cultivating Global Citizens: Population in the Rise of ChinaCultivating Global Citizens: Population in the Rise of ChinaGreenhalgh, SusanHARDCOVER10/15/2010$40.00
Cover: Articulating the Sinosphere: Sino-Japanese Relations in Space and TimeArticulating the Sinosphere: Sino-Japanese Relations in Space and TimeFogel, Joshua A.HARDCOVER03/31/2009$48.50
Cover: Visible Cities: Canton, Nagasaki, and Batavia and the Coming of the AmericansVisible Cities: Canton, Nagasaki, and Batavia and the Coming of the AmericansBlussé, LeonardHARDCOVER03/31/2008$40.00
Cover: Lost Modernities: China, Vietnam, Korea, and the Hazards of World HistoryLost Modernities: China, Vietnam, Korea, and the Hazards of World HistoryWoodside, AlexanderHARDCOVER05/30/2006$40.00
Cover: The Chinese Overseas: From Earthbound China to the Quest for AutonomyThe Chinese Overseas: From Earthbound China to the Quest for AutonomyWang, GungwuPAPERBACK09/30/2002$31.00
Cover: The Asian American CenturyThe Asian American CenturyCohen, Warren I.HARDCOVER03/22/2002$40.00
Cover: China and Japan in the Global SettingChina and Japan in the Global SettingIriye, AkiraPAPERBACK08/19/1998$35.50
Cover: Politics of Development: Perspectives on Twentieth-Century AsiaPolitics of Development: Perspectives on Twentieth-Century AsiaScalapino, Robert A.PAPERBACK08/19/1998$34.50
Cover: The Lyric Journey: Poetic Painting in China and JapanThe Lyric Journey: Poetic Painting in China and JapanCahill, JamesHARDCOVER08/01/1996$224.00
Cover: The Four Little Dragons: The Spread of Industrialization in East AsiaThe Four Little Dragons: The Spread of Industrialization in East AsiaVogel, Ezra F.PAPERBACK03/15/1993$31.00
Cover: East Asian Civilizations: A Dialogue in Five StagesEast Asian Civilizations: A Dialogue in Five Stagesde Bary, Wm. TheodorePAPERBACK04/01/1991$30.50

The Borders of Chinese Architecture


$55.00 • £44.95 • €49.50

ISBN 9780674241015

Publication Date: 03/22/2022


448 pages

6-1/8 x 9-1/4 inches

149 photos, 9 maps

The Edwin O. Reischauer Lectures


An internationally acclaimed expert explains why Chinese-style architecture has remained so consistent for two thousand years, no matter where it is built.

For the last two millennia, an overwhelming number of Chinese buildings have been elevated on platforms, supported by pillars, and covered by ceramic-tile roofs. Less obvious features, like the brackets connecting the pillars to roof frames, also have been remarkably constant. What makes the shared features more significant, however, is that they are present in Buddhist, Daoist, Confucian, and Islamic milieus; residential, funerary, and garden structures; in Japan, Korea, Mongolia, and elsewhere. How did Chinese-style architecture maintain such standardization for so long, even beyond China’s borders?

Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt examines the essential features of Chinese architecture and its global transmission and translation from the predynastic age to the eighteenth century. Across myriad political, social, and cultural contexts within China and throughout East Asia, certain design and construction principles endured. Builders never abandoned perishable wood in favor of more permanent building materials, even though Chinese engineers knew how to make brick and stone structures in the last millennium BCE. Chinese architecture the world over is also distinctive in that it was invariably accomplished by anonymous craftsmen. And Chinese buildings held consistently to the plan of the four-sided enclosure, which both afforded privacy and differentiated sacred interior space from an exterior understood as the sphere of profane activity. Finally, Chinese-style buildings have always and everywhere been organized along straight lines.

Taking note of these and other fascinating uniformities, The Borders of Chinese Architecture offers an accessible and authoritative overview of a tradition studiously preserved across time and space.


Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt(美國賓夕法尼亞大學東亞藝術教授)研究中式建築的基本特徵,以及從上古時代到18世紀的全球傳播與轉譯。在中國與整個東亞地區五花八門的政治、社會、文化背景下,許多設計與結構歷久不衰。儘管工程師們在西元前1000年就懂得製造磚頭與石塊結構,但建築者們未嘗放棄容易腐爛的木材,改採用其他更耐久的建築材料。世界各處的中式建築也甚有特色,總是由無名工匠所完成。並且秉持著四面牆環繞的傳統,既提供了居住者隱私,神聖的內部空間與較為世俗的外部空間也因此有所劃分。《中式建築的疆界》(The Borders of Chinese Architecture)關注前述中式建築種種令人著迷的統一性,為此種在時間與空間上被周密地保留的傳統,提供了兼具平實與權威性的綜述。
🏘出版社:Harvard University Press

2022年2月25日 星期五

四本Renoir相關的書:Renoir, My Father. Renoir: Intimacy. Renoir: An Intimate Biography. By Barbara Ehrlich White

 四本Renoir相關的書:Renoir, My Father. Renoir: Intimacy. Renoir: An Intimate Biography. By Barbara Ehrlich White

Renoir, My Father (New York Review Books Classics)
https://www.amazon.com › Renoir-Father-Review-Book...

禮拜天美術神遊 (30): Renoir, my father By Jean Renoir (1962),雷諾瓦,Anne Distel 著,Wilhelm Richard Wagner 的畫像1882

This sweet and gentle book of recollections by Auguste Renoir's son, Jean, is literate and well formed. It takes me on a journey to Renoir's world where I can ...

Renoir: An Intimate Biography. By Barbara Ehrlich White. Thames & Hudson 432pp £24.95

RenoirAn Intimate Biography

Barbara Ehrlich White

Order this Book

List Price


Format: Hardcover
Pages: 432
Artwork: 105 illustrations, 58 in color
Size: 7 in x 9.8 in x 1.6 in
Published: November 7th, 2017
ISBN-10: 0500239576
ISBN-13: 9780500239575
Genre: Art
E-book Available: YesA major new biography of this enduringly popular artist by the world’s foremost scholar of his life and work

Expertly researched and beautifully written by the world’s leading authority on Auguste Renoir’s life and work, Renoir fully reveals this most intriguing of Impressionist artists. The narrative is interspersed with more than 1,100 extracts from letters by, to, and about Renoir, 452 of which come from unpublished letters. Renoir became hugely popular despite great obstacles: thirty years of poverty followed by thirty years of progressive paralysis of his fingers. Despite these hardships, much of his work is optimistic, even joyful. Close friends who contributed money, contacts, and companionship enabled him to overcome these challenges to create more than 4,000 paintings. Renoir had intimate relationships with fellow artists (Caillebotte, Cézanne, Monet, and Morisot), with his dealers (Durand-Ruel, Bernheim, and Vollard) and with his models (Lise, Aline, Gabrielle, and Dédée). Barbara Ehrlich White’s lifetime of research informs this fascinating biography that challenges common misconceptions surrounding Renoir’s reputation.

Since 1961 White has studied more than 3,000 letters relating to Renoir and gained unique insight into his personality and character. Renoir provides an unparalleled and intimate portrait of this complex artist through images of his own iconic paintings, his own words, and the words of his contemporaries.

“Barbara White is a biographer of courage, seriousness and unrelenting honesty. She has read and dissected about 3,000 letters about Renoir written by him, his friends, his family, as well as the newspapers of the day. Practically every member of the Renoir family has entrusted their personal documents to her – a pledge of trust totally deserved. Whenever I am asked a question about Auguste, I write to Barbara to ask her opinion or call on her knowledge, since she has become an indisputable reference for me. She is always careful and verifies facts and contexts by every route possible. The Renoir family, and Auguste himself, are very lucky that Barbara is so passionate about her subject, and I feel personally lucky to know her. I thank her from the bottom of my heart for this work of a lifetime – a magnificent success. I am very pleased that her book has been edited by the quality editors at Thames & Hudson, as it will remain a point of reference for many generations to come.” – Sophie Renoir (great-granddaughter of Auguste Renoir, granddaughter of his eldest son Pierre, and daughter of Renoir’s grandson Claude Renoir, Jr.), June 7, 2017

See all 5 images

Renoir: Intimacy Hardcover – April 25 2017
by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Artist)


The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Auguste Renoir was born on this day in 1841. He began his artistic career as a porcelain painter; however, his ambitions to become a professional artist prompted him to seek other instruction. He began copying paintings at the Musée du Louvre in 1860 and eventually entered the studio of the academic artist Charles Gleyre, where he met Claude Monet, Frédéric Bazille, and Alfred Sisley.
Auguste Renoir (French, 1841–1919) | The Daughters of Catulle Mendès, Huguette (1871–1964), Claudine (1876–1937), and Helyonne (1879–1955) | 1888 http://met.org/1T7Msjy

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Girl with a Fan | Oil on canvas | 1881
Learn more about the picture – http://ow.ly/XVHi4