2024年9月27日 星期五

 ◣◥ ▌《藝術家》593期10月號要目 ▌◤◢


移動與相遇:創意發生的溫室—Res Artis 2024台北年會「在光譜中找到彼此:超越合作」 ⊙蔣嘉惠

以駐村觸碰亞洲的輪廓 ⊙吳尚霖

超越合作,駐村機構的「友誼」網絡—法國藝術進駐概述 ⊙詹育杰

試論德國當代藝術進駐生態—參訪柏林貝塔寧藝術家之家與斯圖加特孤獨城堡學院 ⊙劉蘭辰


波多之石—塞拉維斯基金會與它的美術館 ⊙陳宜艷


師法自然,高於自然—聖塔安娜寶爾博物館「永恆花園—Aka Chen鈦金藝術」 ⊙焦天龍


漫畫與漫畫展覽的無限可能—巴黎龐畢度中心「所有樓層都漫畫」 ⊙詹育杰

實與虛的慢舞—倫敦泰德現代美術館「安東尼.馬柯爾:實體光線」 ⊙林盈君

生為何物?—慕尼黑藝術之家「雷貝嘉.霍恩回顧展」 ⊙劉蘭辰

重新發現古羅馬雕塑藝術的絕代風華—巴黎羅浮宮「托隆尼亞家族收藏精品」特展 ⊙唐忠珊

語言的空間存有與詩意迴盪—北京UCCA尤倫斯當代藝術中心「勞倫斯.韋納:追求幸福越快越好」 ⊙邱筱臻

神祕、超自然夢境、集體潛意識—卡塞雷斯赫爾加.德.阿爾維爾當代藝術博物館「蘇珊.希勒:獻給未知」 ⊙周芳蓮



阿爾瓦羅的恐龍—普立茲克建築獎建築師阿爾瓦羅.西薩與塞拉維斯基金會 ⊙陳宜艷


「當代性」條件:社會責任?—第六十屆威尼斯雙年展聖座館觀感 ⊙鄭元智


南方山水畫大家——董源 ⊙陳傳席



擅長上網考古的後網絡藝術家—巴黎歐洲攝影之家「東瑪.梅蘭德—美圖」 ⊙詹育杰



與北歐藝術的親密對話—走訪瑞典斯德哥爾摩蒂爾畫廊 ⊙陳北辰


Aka Chen 水 鈦(99.9%)、藍寶石、石榴石、尖晶石 直徑120cm(圖版提供:AKACHEN)


2024年9月18日 星期三

Constant Montald (1862 - 1944)The Heavenly Images of a Surreal Painter


1,509 views Sep 15, 2024 #arthistory #art #painter

Paysage symboliste

Constant Montald
Paysage symboliste
détrempe et dorure au cuivre sur toile
H. 111,2 ; L. 104,3 cm.
Achat, 2007
© Musée d’Orsay, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Patrice Schmidt
Constant Montald (1862 - 1944)
 Niveau médian, Salle 61

Constant Montald is one of the key figures in Belgian Symbolism. This Symbolist Landscape, almost square, with many verticals, is a perfect illustration of the technique developed by the artist. The limited range of muted colours takes its inspiration from Primitivism and fresco painting, but this painting is enriched with metallic particles illuminating the canvas.
The characters are portrayed in the countryside, in what looks like a Garden of Eden. In the background, two naked men are planting a tree. In the foreground, a classical heroic nude, wearing a crown of golden laurel, appears to break off a branch.
The two groups, in the way they are situated in the space, seem to be taken from the central section of the main decoration by Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (1824-1898) created for the Musée des Beaux-arts de Rouen: Between Art and Nature. Elsewhere, the calm and orderliness of Montald's composition are reminiscent of another piece of work by Puvis de Chavannes: The Benefits of Peace. This iconographic similarity suggests a relationship between this representation and the political situation in Belgium at the time. Symbolist Landscape was an appeal for agreement at the time when the reign of Léopold II (1835-1909) was coming to an end against a background of increasing poverty, social unrest and increasingly violent colonial upheavals.
Symbolist Landscape is the first painting by Montald to enter a French museum. It finds its natural place alongside the paintings of the other Belgian Symbolists of the time, Léon Frédéric (1856-1940) and Jean Delville (1867-1953).