Pantheon, Rome,萬神殿 (羅馬) 一些記錄 (1999-2013)Disegno angelico e non umano.The Oldest Door Still in Use: Pantheon’s Bronze Entrance, Rome, Italy.仍在使用的最古老的門:義大利羅馬萬神殿的青銅入口
為確定它是羅馬的萬神殿 我再去Wikipedia一次.
這回的外部全景圖也很特別 因為書本多以內部為主.,_Rome
其實 我約10年前上安藤忠雄的英文網 他寫下一些感想(當然都忘了)
有位顧問到我辦公室來,他不了解:為何在廿一世紀仍要談二千年前的品管及技術?我笑說,在經營型態上,三千年前埃及的小工廠,可能與今日台灣的小型企業差 不多,更何況談工作,談品質,也不見得今日勝遠古:我們只是在大量生產方式上比古人較上到點,即,今天重"量"而非重"質"。
這次先談羅馬萬神殿(The Pantheon)的品質。羅馬帝國不是一天造成的,它的馬路、給水、都市計劃、建造等,質量俱佳,背後有很強的標準化合理思想。萬神殿(廟)也是當時人們追求人與自然、人與"眾神"之力量相結合的"地方'。
從公元前二百年前起,世界上最傑出的工匠都聚集到羅馬。他們在義大利的保護人的智謀和思想的強烈引導下,有番創新事業:通常每座建築和藝術品都體現了各方 面的思想。鑑賞羅馬藝術的方法,便是了解他們如何改造世界之精華,使其為他們自己的目的服務—其目的既新而又能激動人心。
它是極重要,極有影響力的建築。可惜,不知怎的,名著《An Outline Of European Architecture》中未載。羅馬導遊書都會說:「它是最莊重的,也是古羅馬文明保存最好的紀念性建築。」
它 為一了不起的建築物,技術高超,人們也驚嘆它實現了以「一枚岩來當天蓋」的大膽假設。建築物的後部為圓形設置,而前部為由16柱紅灰色的巨大一體花崗研圓 柱所做的神殿。內部設計為圓周形,球形天井的「鏡版」之韻律,由中央開的天窗下降之光,極壯麗,與建物之質量極調和。周圍又有七個凹所(禮拜堂),其上又 有八小禮拜堂交錯。(最左凹所有主要祭壇,內有羅馬時代復仇者像……,神殿的磚上有印,使人了解建造於西元118-125 。它的圓頂直徑43.50米,直到1958年才為巴黎的CNIT所超越)。在這大工程背後,營建工人的管理、和協調很重要(The Building Yard),各種標準化(含量測、材料、工法等等)都要健全。
The Pantheon-Design, Meaning, and Progeny一書以米開蘭基羅的話Disegno angelico e non
。除了 Juran主編的《品質史》外,主要參考
W. L. Macdonald(1976)"The Pantheon-Design, Meaning, and Progeny" Harvard University Press
M. Colledge(1978)"How to Recognize Roman Art" Penguin Books及
---上文以雜談《品質史》(四)-希臘羅馬品質成就 上網(1999/09)
requests for help
# Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 08:37:37 +0800
Dear Denizens,
The internet is rewarding in certain way. I put one sentence by
Michealangelo in my website on Sep. 1999, to ask who know 'Disegno
angelico e non umano' meant. This week I got the answer.
I like to ask the knowledge base here for some help. One of our research
agenda this year is to elaborate the last sentences of OOTC about
malpractices and other issues in our medical systems. This idea was
reinforced by reading the following two books,
W. G. Manning et al 'The Costs of Poor Health Habits' ,Harvard Univ.
Press, 1991
Geoffrey Rose 'The Strategy of Preventive Medicine' ,Oxford University
Press 1992
Since I am quite a naive student in this domain, I like to invite your
suggestions and advices for this project. We'll base on our study to
have a course about the 'healthy individuals and organizations' in one
of our local schools.
Hanching Chung
2004/12/14 我報導:
『針對1999/09《The Pantheon》以米開蘭基羅的話Disegno
angelico e non umano(有人知道此句請賜知)這句話,我在另一網站有看到其解釋,「這是天使建造的」,特提出以提供參考。from:小葉的窩』
2004/12/13 我再訪 的「古老的傳說」。知道它是葉高雄先生的網址。【萬神殿是古羅馬建築中,品質最佳、保存得最完整的建築物。這是為了祭祀萬神,於西元前27年,由阿格利帕 興建的。其後於119-128年,哈德連皇帝將之修改為現今的模樣。據傳,當米開朗基羅見到這座教堂時,不禁發出「這是天使建造的」的感言。走進萬神殿, 每個人的目光都會被圓頂的大洞所吸引。此洞稱為「眼」,直徑9公尺,是由外部取光,殿內唯一的窗戶。大圓頂的直徑43.3公尺,比聖彼得大教堂42公尺的 圓頂略勝一籌。義大利統一後,萬神殿成為國王的陵墓所在,除此,還埋葬一些偉大的義大利的藝術家,其中以拉斐爾最著名。】
1999年,我可能還不懂得google(可能也不會中文打字),所以不會上網查The Pantheon
RL's inputs:
re: Disegno angelico e non umano
disegno = drawing ; outline, design, scheme
angelico → angèlico = cherubic
e = and, plus
non = no, not
umano = human; humanely
2008年七月- Google Books Result 有資料
A Journey Into Michelangelo's Rome
by Angela K. Nickerson - 2008 - Travel - 180 pages
Michelangelo, an ardent admirer of the Pantheon, attributed its power to
disegno angelico e non umano (angelic and not human design). ...
A Journey Into Michelangelo's Rome
- Google Books Result
Disegno angelico e non umano
Aart J. J. Mekking, Eric Roose - 2009 -
He advised doing away with
the 'non-classical' towers and instead, ... prefer the centralizing 'disegno angelico e non umano' ('angelic, non- human design,' of ...
Some interiors captivate us because of their monumental architecture. The Pantheon was one of the great tourist attractions of Rome in Panini's day, as it is in our own. Panini was trained in architecture and theatrical design. What do you notice about the perspective he has used here?
羅馬萬神殿是古羅馬保存最完好的古蹟之一,裡面收藏著一件非凡的文物——其入口處的**青銅門**。這些宏偉的門高約 7.5 米,厚約 1.5 米,經受住了近**1,900 年**時間的考驗,是**至今仍在使用的最古老的門**。
這些門是在皇帝哈德良統治時期(約公元 115 年)用青銅鑄造的,是他雄心勃勃的萬神殿重建項目的一部分,將其改造成了我們今天看到的建築傑作。這對巨大的門最初是供奉羅馬諸神的一座寺廟的入口,見證了羅馬幾個世紀以來的帝國、宗教和革命的演變。
NHK WORLD-日本中文 -
The Oldest Door Still in Use: Pantheon’s Bronze Entrance, Rome, Italy
The Pantheon in Rome, one of the best-preserved monuments of ancient Rome, houses a remarkable artifact—the **bronze doors** of its entrance. These magnificent doors, measuring about 7.5 meters tall and 1.5 meters thick, have stood the test of time for nearly **1,900 years**, making them the **oldest doors still in use today**.
Cast in bronze during Emperor **Hadrian’s reign** (circa 115 AD), these doors
were part of his ambitious reconstruction of the Pantheon, transforming it into the architectural masterpiece we see today. Originally serving as an entrance to a temple dedicated to all Roman gods, the massive doors have since witnessed Rome’s evolution through centuries of empires, religions, and revolutions.
While modifications have been made over time to reinforce their structure, the doors themselves retain their ancient craftsmanship. Their intricate design, combined with the Pantheon’s iconic dome, showcases the engineering ingenuity and artistic excellence of ancient Rome.
The Pantheon continues to serve as a **church, tomb, and historical landmark**, and these bronze doors remain a functional and symbolic gateway, connecting the modern world with the grandeur of antiquity.
Image credit to respective owner.