2009年1月27日 星期二

李元佳和 LYC Museum

Folding Scroll, ink on fabric mounted on card, 1963

游藝札記蕭勤著, 蕭勤, 省立美術館, 民82[1993]
頁30提到的李元佳和 LYC Museum
李已逝 Li Yuan-chia Foundation The LYC Foundation looks after, conserves, exhibits and disseminates the work of the Chinese artist Li Yuan-chia (1929-1994)

Li Yuan-chia: Space = Time = Life

Li Yuan-chia Book

Li Yuan-chi: tell me what is not yet said A 160-page fully-illustrated monograph on the life and work of Li Yuan-chia, is published by the Institute of International Visual Arts (inIVA). As well as Li’s visual art work it contains some of his poems, a chronology, reminiscences by visitors to LYC Museum, and essays by Guy Brett and Nick Sawyer. The book is available from art bookshops or direct from inIVA (www.iniva.org)

Image above: From the visitors book of LYC Museum

