2016年9月28日 星期三

卡拉瓦喬 Caravaggio, 1571-1610

National Gallery
Caravaggio was born #OnThisDay in 1571. Characterised by their dramatic, almost theatrical lighting, Caravaggio's paintings were controversial, popular, and hugely influential on succeeding generations of painters all over Europe. You can learn more about Caravaggio by watching our lunchtime talk here: http://bit.ly/2d0kwB1
His painting, 'Supper at Emmaus', will feature in our upcoming exhibition 'Beyond Caravaggio', opening on 12 October. Book now, Members go free: http://bit.ly/2d0kucy

Painting valued at $135 million found in French loft believed by many to be…
The discovery of a painting found in the attic of a house in southwest France two years ago is being hailed as a great event in the history of art. See why: http://reut.rs/1S4m2dx

A painting found in the attic of a house in southwest France two years ago…

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Happy birthday to Caravaggio, one of the most revolutionary figures of European art, born on this day in 1571.
Caravaggio (Italian,1571–1610) | The Musicians | ca. 1595  http://met.org/1qbF3jE

2010:卡拉瓦喬 Caravaggio. Circa 1600: ARevolution of Style in Italian Panting

去年沒去看電影"一代畫家 卡拉瓦喬"*。 現在可以談兩本書。

卡拉瓦喬,法蘭欣.普羅絲,左岸文化,88折. ... 普羅絲以她的熱情與機敏,描述偉大的藝術家卡拉瓦喬短暫而激盪的一生。卡拉瓦喬一五七一年生於米蘭附近,二十一歲時遷居 ...

卡拉瓦喬. 王娟娟, 羅莎‧喬治- 木馬文化,2002-08-01 出版.

卡拉瓦喬- 維基百科,自由的百科全書

米開朗基羅·梅里西·達·卡拉瓦喬(義大利語:Michelangelo Merisi detto il ...

我弄不清楚書中的「知識份子」的原文,因為末篇用I. Berlin的用語「俗世教士」(The Secular Priesthood 譬如說,pp.196-97),不過你查它的出處之一:I. Berlin 俄羅斯思想家(彭淮棟譯,台北:聯經,1987,p. 156)強調的是「「知識份子階層」(intelligentsia)」。

字眼能談的還也許多,譬如說頁xxiv最後一句話:「我們希望….與羅馬街(Via Roman)…」
【hc後補入:我們十七世紀的義大利寫實主義畫家卡瓦拉喬 (Caravaggio,1571-1610),就曾以溺水而死的妓女屍首為模特兒,完成宗教畫作〈處女之死〉(Death of the Virgin)【Dear Jo:這應該是「聖母」之誤解—我查哈佛大學出版社的 Circa 1600: A Revolution of Style in Italian Panting by S. J. Freedberg 一書,他畫了她的一生…..我們可以從台北市面上一本畫家專集了解Via Roman是他輝煌騰達之開始。】

Longoni's Caravaggio


Angelo Longoni 2007
Categories: Arts In Film, Best Arts In Film, Best Cinematography (Storaro)

Longoni's new bio-pic about Michalangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, the supremely great and more-famous-than-ever late sixteenth and early seventeenth-century Italian artist, premiered in a long version at Lincoln Center, is a glorious spectacle with a charismatic star. Marked by rich interiors, often lit as in Caravaggio's paintings, panoramic shots, sweeping music, and large cast, this is a pleasure to watch. Beautiful to look at and richly eventful, if conventional, the film never errs in tone,

狂人畫家卡拉瓦喬傳奇 搬上銀幕 吳垠慧/台北報導  (20090124)  他是個瘋子,膽敢把娼妓畫成聖母,他也是藝評公認的天才。生於十六世紀末的義大利畫家卡拉瓦喬,他卅九年生命裡,是娼妓的情人,也是紅衣主教求畫對象。 他功成名就,卻因殺人罪客死他鄉。電影《一代畫家:卡拉瓦喬》將他戲劇性一生搬上銀幕,作家哈爾也將其名作《逮捕耶穌》發掘過程寫成小說。

 《一代畫家:卡拉瓦喬》由義大利導演隆格尼(Angelo Longoni)執導。電影從卡拉瓦喬彌留之際的回憶開始鋪陳,以倒敘手法呈現他備受爭議的一生。
 卡拉瓦喬十二歲時父親與祖父因戰亂身亡,母親將他送到德特札諾工作室避難學畫。母親過世後,他隻身前往當時歐洲藝術中心羅馬。初抵羅馬的他,經歷三餐不繼、瘧疾侵襲,直到賞識他的德蒙特紅衣主教出現。  主教提供他住處,收藏他的畫作,為他爭取到教堂的重要委託。他完成《聖馬太的蒙召》及《殉教》兩幅大壁畫後,聲勢如日中天。  

卡拉瓦喬的畫風寫實,尤其擅用舞台劇般對比強烈的光線,營造出戲劇性氛圍。他的早期畫作《水果籃》是美術史家考證出來年代最早的靜物畫。在宗教畫部份,卡拉瓦喬堅持以真人模特兒入畫,認為如此才能準確掌握人的形體與動作。就算是死屍,他也湊近端詳。然而,卡拉瓦喬被學院派排擠,譏笑他的畫作有「酒館味」。卡拉瓦喬流連街頭酒館,身旁圍繞著娼妓、窮人,目睹戰爭、死亡及斬首、火燒等行刑。尤其他將煙花女菲麗黛、蓮娜等人畫成聖母,更是喧騰一時。  人們認為他褻瀆神明,卻又無法抗拒他筆下聖像竟具感官之美,畫作被評為「光亮處美不勝收,黑暗處充滿罪惡」。  
卡拉瓦喬暴躁易怒。據傳他努力作畫兩星期後,就會放蕩幾周。劍不離身的他常惹事生非,為煙花女子與人拔劍決鬥。最後就是鬧出人命,被判死刑,迫使他離開 羅馬,開始逃亡。為了取得教宗的赦免,他極力爭取騎士團勳章,作畫獻給教宗。沒想在潛回羅馬的海路上,染上瘧疾死亡。

The long-lost Caravaggio painting that the baroque master had with him when he died in 1610 has finally been identified, according to the world’s foremost authority on the artist.
Several copies of Mary Magdalen in Ecstasy are thought to exist. But now the Caravaggio scholar Mina Gregori has said she is confident of having made a “definitive” verification of the version that she has studied in a private European collection.
After years hunting for the real thing, the eminent art expert and president of Florence’s Roberto Longhi Art History Foundation, declared: “At last, it’s you”, after finding herself seemingly gazing at the Caravaggio original. If true, the discovery would be one of rare importance in Western art.
Ms Gregori said key characteristics of the painting, the first ever photograph of which was printed in La Repubblica yesterday, left no doubts in her mind regarding its provenance. “The creation of a body with varying tones, the intensity of the face. The strong wrists, crossed fingers and beautiful hair … the wonderful variations in light and colour – all show that it is Caravaggio,” she said.

She added that the discovery of a handwritten note attached to the back of the 103.5cm by 91.5cm painting, attributing it to Caravaggio, and denoting it is a commission by one of his important patrons, Cardinale Scipione Borghese of Rome, was the final proof. The family, who contacted Ms Gregori for the authentification, have said they have no intention of selling it.
The existence of a version known as the “Klein Magdalena” in Rome, which some experts have described as authentic, suggests that further controversy is not out of the question. Ms Gregori told The Independent  she was pressing the owners of the version she says she has authenticated to make it available for some sort of public display. “Even by Caravaggio’s standards this is a beautiful and revolutionary painting,” she said. “The ultimate goal is that everyone should have the opportunity to see it. But for now all I can say is that it’s in Europe.”
Caravaggio, born Michelangelo Merisi, is celebrated for his revolutionary use of contrasting light and dark – chiaroscuro – that anticipated the work of later baroque giants including Rembrandt and Velazquez.
He was thought to have painted the Magdalen in 1606, shortly after fleeing Rome following his conviction for murder. It was during his return to the city in search of a papal pardon, carrying with him the painting, that he was believed to have become ill with fever, and died in Tuscany.

Revolutionary lost Caravaggio painting 'Mary Magdalen in Ecstasy' identified

Several copies of Mary Magdalen in Ecstasy are thought to exist

