2020年12月4日 星期五

亞馬遜雨林中發現1.2萬年前巨大岩畫 長近13公里。撒哈拉岩畫(大英博物館);劍橋插圖史前藝術史 British Museum African rock art image project. The Cambridge Illustrated History of Prehistoric Art 劍橋插圖史前藝術史

考古大發現!亞馬遜雨林中發現1.2萬年前巨大岩畫 長近13公里刻有冰河時期滅絕動物
The Sahara Desert hasn’t always been dry – between around 11,000 and 5,000 years ago, it was a lush green environment where elephants, giraffes, crocodiles and humans all lived side by side. This video looks at some of the incredible rock art made in this period, and what we can learn from it.
Find out more about our African rock art image project here: http://ow.ly/w1gb30iO2Zz
The African rock art project is supported by Arcadia. This film is in collaborative partnership with the Green Sahara Project, Kings College London. Animation by Soluis Heritage.

Rock Art in the Green Sahara
The Sahara is the world's largest hot desert, spanning the entire northern part of Africa. Yet it hasn't always been dry -- archaeological and…


劍橋插圖史前藝術史  山東畫報,2004

The Cambridge Illustrated History of Prehistoric Art

Part of Cambridge Illustrated Histories
AUTHOR: Paul G. Bahn
DATE PUBLISHED: November 1997

Beautifully illustrated in colour with many rare and unique photographs, prints, and drawings, The Cambridge Illustrated History of Prehistoric Art presents the first balanced and truly world-wide survey of prehistoric art. The book also offers the first detailed account of how the world of scholarship became aware of the existence of prehistoric art, reproducing the very earliest drawings by explorers and surveyors from the 1600s onwards to create a unique pictorial as well as discursive resource. With this powerful combination of illustration and analysis, Paul Bahn describes what prehistoric art is and the different ways in which it can shed light on the lives and preoccupations of our ancestors: sexual, humorous, social, economic, and religious.
  • The first book to present an account of how prehistoric art was discovered by the world of scholarship, what it consists of, how it can shed light on the lives of our ancestors
  • Only truly world-wide survey of prehistoric art covering all prehistoric eras, not just Europe or the Ice Age
  • Superb photographs from inaccessible sites, and prints of very early reproductions of ancient art by travellers, explorers, and surveyors
  • Uniquely illustrated subject resource of art not only unknown to the public, but also to many archaeologists, let alone art historians

Table of Contents

1. The 'discovery' of prehistoric art
2. The nineteenth century: prehistoric art comes into its own
3. Bodies and objets d'art - the art of the object
4. Art on rocks and walls
5. Putting things in order: dating techniques and criteria
6. Matters of the body: objects of art
7. Matters of the mind: reasons for art
8. The future of prehistoric art
Further reading
Map of sites

Read more at http://www.cambridge.org/tw/academic/subjects/archaeology/prehistory/cambridge-illustrated-history-prehistoric-art#v1S40rrSmV8fDxiS.99

Read more at http://www.cambridge.org/tw/academic/subjects/archaeology/prehistory/cambridge-illustrated-history-prehistoric-art#v1S40rrSmV8fDxiS.99

Read more at http://www.cambridge.org/tw/academic/subjects/archaeology/prehistory/cambridge-illustrated-history-prehistoric-art#v1S40rrSmV8fDxiS.99
