2019年4月18日 星期四

兩本海報設計史的故事:設計師 E. McKnight Kauffer(1890~1954)

216 歐洲海報簡史(Posters:A brief introduction) 2018-2-13 漢清講堂


最近,ˇ在台大圖書館看到一本1925年的書,很有意思 (此書的歷史有點迷:有台大文學院和台南高等商業學校等的印......)。

E. McKnight Kauffer,1890~1954 The art of the poster, its origin, evolution & purpose. 插畫;1937 年MoMA海報作品展手冊,有 Aldous Huxley 寫前言

1972年的書《海報簡史》中收 E. McKnight Kauffer(1890~1954 他過世半世紀,才被美國專業設計社團所肯定......) 的一幅海報。《海報簡史》1972並指出, Kauffer 1925年的書沒收/談
Alphonse Mucha 的作品,有缺失.......

The Evening Star, 1902

Alphonse Mucha (1860 - 1939)
In 1906, while Mucha was working in the United States, lecturing at the Art Institute of Chicago, he was commissioned to design the wrappers for a set of soaps by the Chicago-based company, Armour & Co. Although mainly known for meatpacking they also were involved in pharmaceuticals and soap manufacturing introducing their own classic 'Dial' soap in 1948. Mucha had been turning down such commercial commissions but was about to return to his own country to get married and probably felt this commission was an aid to his departure.
The set Mucha designed for them featured four floral scented soaps: Violet, Lilac, Heliotrope and Sandalwood. Mucha designed the packaging in the style he had used for his Parisian decorative panels, featuring beautiful women personifying the flower scents. with stylized versions of the flowers decorated the sides and ends of the boxes.
He also designed a point of purchase (POP) display that is printed on cardboard (24.1/8 x 16 1/2 inchs) and scored to resemble a folding screen.
The soaps were named ‘Savon Mucha’ after him. Which illustrates his fame through name recognition and the French word for soap. With this, he became the first celebrity graphic artist whose name was used to enhance the popular appeal of a commercial product by leveraging his Parisian fame. As had been done using Sarah Bernhardt for Biscuits Lu.
