2020年1月4日 星期六

【#Art and Design 國際週報】006:Maurice Denis 1870~1943 To the opening of the exhibition: "The Brothers Morozov. Great Russian Collectors"

9. The Morozov Collection

Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, 13 October 2020 – 15 March 2021
In autumn the Fondation Louis Vuitton presents masterpieces from the collections of Mikhail and Ivan Morozov, Russian brothers and entrepreneurs who amassed a treasure trove of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist work before the Revolution: an astonishing assortment of Monets and Matisses, Pissarros and Picassos. They were more discriminating even than their contemporaries Sergei and Pyotr Shchukin, whose own horde of avant-garde wonders wowed the art world at the Fondation in 2016. KG

Jacob Marius Adriaan Martini van Geffen, Boy with sugar cane
Jacob Marius Adriaan Martini van Geffen,


Maurice Denis (French: [dəni]; 25 November 1870 – 13 November 1943)[1] was a French painter, decorative artist and writer, who was an important figure in the transitional period between impressionism and modern art[2] He was associated with Les Nabis then theSymbolist movement, and then with a return to neo-classicism.[3] His theories contributed to the foundations of cubismfauvism, and abstract art. Following the First World War, he founded the Ateliers d'Art Sacré (Workshops of Sacred Art), decorated the interiors of churches, and worked for a revival of religious art.

Maurice Denis
Self-portrait of Maurice Denis (1916)
Maurice Denis

25 November 1870
Died13 November 1943 (aged 72)
EducationÉcole des Beaux-ArtsAcadémie Julian
Known forPaintingdrawing

Architectural decoration[edit]

In 1908 Denis began work on an important decorative project for the Russian art patron Ivan Morozov, who had been a major patron of Claude Monet and Auguste Renoir, and who owned The Night Cafe by Vincent Van Gogh. Denis created a large mural panel, The history of Psyche, for the music room of Morozov's Moscow mansion, and later added some additional panels to the design. His fee for this project enabled him to buy his seaside house in Brittany He then took on a more ambitious project, the cupola for a new theater, the Theatre des Champs-Elysees, being constructed in Paris by the architect August Perret. The theater was modern; it was the first major building in Paris constructed of reinforced concrete, and is considered the first building in the Art Deco style; but Denis' work was purely neoclassical. The theme was the history of music, with figures of Apollo and the Muses. Perret constructed a special studio for Denis so he could paint a work of such a large scale.[28]

Государственный Эрмитаж. The State Hermitage museum. Official page.
К открытию выставки "Братья Морозовы. Великие русские коллекционеры"
В 1908 году французский художник Морис Дени оформил музыкальный салон в особняке И. А. Морозова на Пречистенке в Москве. В этом типичном для стиля модерн ансамбле архитектура, живопись, скульптура соединились с предметами прикладного искусства. По рисункам Дени была сделана мебель и декоративные вазы. Классический характер архитектуры определил классицизирующие формы ансамбля. Пользуясь предоставленной Морозовым свободой в выборе сюжета росписи, художник выбрал, по его словам, "идиллическую и полную тайны" историю Амура и Психеи. Он сделал акцент на аллегорическом подтексте сюжета, на стремлении Души (Психеи) соединиться с Любовью (Амуром).
Для "Истории Психеи" Дени использовал светлый условный колорит. Наиболее интересен фон пейзажей, над которыми художник работал в Италии. В них отражены впечатления от Лаго-Маджоре (панно 1–2, 5) и сада Джусти в Вероне (панно 4). В пятое панно Дени ввел портреты: Венера в венке из белых роз напоминает Марту Дени (жену художника); Вакх, бородатый мужчина в венке из плюща, – скульптора Майоля; Марс – Русселя, товарища Дени по группе Наби. Облик Юпитера восходит к римской статуе в Ватиканском музее. Переработав различные впечатления, Дени создал декоративный ансамбль в неоклассическом стиле.

To the opening of the exhibition "The Brothers Morozov. Great Russian Collectors"
In 1908, the French artist Maurice Denis designed the music salon in the mansion of I. A. Morozov on Prechistenka in Moscow. In this typical modern style ensemble architecture, painting, sculpture combined with objects of applied art. According to the drawings Denis was made furniture and decorative vases. The classical nature of the architecture defined the classic forms of the ensemble. Using the freedom provided by Morozov in choosing the plot of the mural, the artist chose, in his words, the "idyllic and full of mystery" story of Cupid and Psyche. He focused on the allegorical implication of the plot, on the desire of the Soul (Psyche) to unite with Love (Cupid).

For the "History of Psyche" Denis used a light conditional flavor. The most interesting is the background of the landscapes over which the artist worked in Italy. They reflect the impressions of Lago Maggiore (panel 1-2, 5) and the Garden of Giusty in Verona (panel 4). In the fifth panel Denis introduced portraits: Venus in a wreath of white roses reminds Martha Denis (the artist's wife); Bacchus, a bearded man in a wreath of ivy, - sculptor Mayol; Mars - Roussel, Comrade Denis in the Nabi group. The shape of Jupiter goes back to the Roman statue in the Vatican Museum. After reworking various impressions, Denis created a decorative ensemble in the neoclassical style.


1908年,法國藝術家莫里斯·丹尼斯(Maurice Denis)在莫斯科Prechistenka的I. A. Morozov大廈設計了音樂沙龍。在這種典型的現代風格的合奏建築中,繪畫,雕塑與應用藝術的對象相結合。根據圖紙,丹尼斯製作了家具和裝飾花瓶。建築的古典性質定義了整體的經典形式。利用莫羅佐夫提供的選擇壁畫情節的自由,藝術家用他的話說,選擇了丘比特和普賽克的“田園詩般的充滿神秘色彩”的故事。他專注於情節的寓意含義,以及靈魂(Psyche)與愛情(丘比特)團結的願望。

對於“靈魂史”,丹尼斯使用了輕微的條件味道。最有趣的是藝術家在意大利工作的風景背景。它們反映了Lago Maggiore(小組1-2,5)和Verona的Giusty花園(小組4)的印象。在第五個小組中,丹尼斯介紹了肖像:白玫瑰花環中的維納斯提醒瑪莎丹尼斯(藝術家的妻子);巴克斯,常春藤花圈中的鬍子,雕刻家梅奧爾;火星 - 魯塞爾,丹尼同志在納比集團。木星的形狀可以追溯到梵蒂岡博物館的羅馬雕像。在重新設計了各種印象之後,丹尼斯創造了一種新古典主義風格的裝飾品。


到展覽開幕" morozova的兄弟. "我是一個真正的

1908年, 法國藝術家莫里斯·丹尼斯在莫斯科學校的i a morozova的豪宅成立了一個音樂沙龍. 在這個現代建築建築的典型風格, 繪畫, 雕塑與應用藝術的物體結合. 根據丹尼斯的繪畫, 傢具和裝飾花瓶是製作的. 建築的經典特徵已經定義了經典的合奏形式. 在選擇繪畫劇情時使用morozova自由, 藝術家根據他選擇的" cupid和充分"的故事的"愚蠢和完整的神秘 他專注於劇情的寓言, 在靈魂的慾望(承認)與愛(amurom).

丹尼斯為"瘋子 的 歷史"使用了一個光明的有條件的味道, 它是景觀中最有趣的背景, 藝術家在義大利工作. 他們反映在lago-maggiore (面板1-2, 5)和維羅納的花園花園(面板4)的印象中. 在第五個小組, 丹尼斯介紹了肖像: 維納斯在白玫瑰的花環中. 提醒marta denis (藝術家的妻子); 巴克斯, 一個在常春藤花環里的鬍子的男人, 是一個majola的雕塑家; 火星-roussel, 丹尼斯同志在nabi. 木星的外觀上升到梵蒂岡博物館的羅馬雕像. 在重新設計各種印象時, 丹尼斯在新古典風格中創造了一個裝飾的
