2008年9月12日 星期五

Madonna with the Sweet Pea (On Art and Connoisseurship)

Max J. Friedlander 藝術與鑑賞On Art and Connoisseurship 梁春生譯 台北:遠流 1989

p.144和 p.205都有
Cologne 的 the Madonna with the Sweet Pea

還有找不到圖 不過資訊

Madonna with the Sweet PeaBlossom (c. 1415-20; WRM io)

Friedländer, Max J. (frēd'lĕndər) , 1867–1958, German art historian. Educated in Munich, he became director of the Kaiser Friedrich Museum in Berlin. He left Germany in 1933 and settled in Holland. A specialist in Netherlandish painting of the 15th and 16th cent., he is best known for his monumental work on that subject, Die Altniederländische Malerei (14 vol., 1924–37). Friedländer was also the author of On Art and Connoisseurship (1942), Landscape, Portrait, Still-Life: Their Origin and Development (tr. 1949), and From Van Eyck to Bruegel (tr. 1956).
