2010年9月2日 星期四

UK high-end single malt whisky for export


英國設計師吉爾賓(James Gilpin)突發奇想,把尿液和麥芽混合製程「高品質威士忌」,不論是色 澤、口感都超越純麥威士忌,預計在今年9月的倫敦設計博覽會展出。 用尿液釀威士忌?這種創意一般人實在很難想像,但其實吉爾賓用的尿液,並不是普通的尿,而是糖尿病 .

Whisky Export. Sugar heavy urine excreted by diabetic patients is now being utilized
for the fermentation of high-end single malt whisky for export. The Whisky market is growing faster then any other alcoholic beverage worldwide. With a prevalent genetic weakness being exposed in the northern hemisphere leading to a sharp rise in type two diabetes, economists have found a new exportable commodity to exploit and are keento capitalize on this resource quickly.

Gilpin Family Whisky

Large amounts of sugar are excreted on
a daily basis by type-two diabetic patients especially amongst the upper end of our aging population. As a result of this diabetic patients toilets often have unusual scale build up in
the basin due and rapid mould growths as
the sugar put into the system acts as nutrients
for mould and bacteria growth. Is it plausible
to suggest that we start utilizing our water purification systems in order to harvest the biological resources that our elderly already process in abundance?
