2012年9月12日 星期三

The British Knights of Soccer



Chaiwat Subprasom/Reuters

遺憾的是,純粹以設計或美學角度來看,英超賽場上20支頂尖球隊的隊徽得分都不算高,大都充斥着花哨的色彩和粗陋的細節。不過其中最有想像力的幾個 可以當作本地特色風格的典型,它們所選擇的符號都很有表現力,大多都很奇特,可以向我們揭示很多俱樂部的特色,以及它們的歷史與所在地的信息。
不過,所有俱樂部隊徽都採用紋章裝飾,和古代傳統紋章非常相像。只有一家例外,就是斯旺西城(Swansea City,威爾士城市,字面譯為“天鵝海”——譯註)的隊徽,新殺入英超聯賽的它有個現代主義的logo,而且有點俏皮,圖案是一隻天鵝,翅膀模擬大海 (喔!)的波浪。但是在新賽季就連斯旺西城也改用一個紋章樣式的隊徽,以紀念俱樂部成立百年。
其他各隊都採用盾形徽章設計,通常是以盾牌形狀打底,上面裝飾着各種圖形符號。只有三家例外。富勒姆(Fulham)俱樂部的盾牌上裝飾着俱樂部的 起首字母縮寫“FFC”;斯托克城(Stoke City)俱樂部的隊徽上是紅白相間的條紋,這是俱樂部球衫的顏色,上面還寫着俱樂部創立的年份“1863”,以及俱樂部的綽號“陶工”(The Potters,斯托克城是英國制陶工業的中心)。托特納姆熱刺俱樂部(Tottenham Hotspur)沒有使用盾牌做底,但是仍保留了古老的象徵符號,圖案是一隻佩戴馬刺的鬥雞站在足球上。俱樂部的名字據說是來自14世紀的亨利·珀西 (Henry Percy)爵士,他脾氣暴躁,還喜歡在鬥雞腿上綁馬刺,因此得到“哈里·熱刺”(Harry Hotspur)的綽號。熱刺俱樂部位於倫敦北部,珀西家族當年擁有這裡的大部分領土。
不少隊徽都反映了俱樂部的地理位置。比如埃弗頓(Everton)和雷丁(Reading)的隊徽上就是俱樂部所在地的地標建築。而曼城隊 (Manchester City)的隊徽上有一條船,代表曼徹斯特大運河(Manchester Ship Canal),下面還有三條斜杠,每一條都代表曼徹斯特市的一條河,上方一隻金色的鷹是曼徹斯特市的市徽紋章。維岡競技隊(Wigan Athletic)採用的是本城象徵“維金樹”(Wiggin Tree),這是當地一株花楸樹的名字。切爾西(Chelsea)的隊徽上是一隻獅子,來自於如今已經不存在的切爾西行政區的紋章,以及俱樂部過去的主席 和當地土地擁有者卡多甘伯爵(Earl Cadogan)的紋章。
最有地理特色的還要算是紐卡斯爾聯隊(Newcastle United)的隊徽,上面是該市卡通式的紋章。盾牌背景是俱樂部特色的黑白相間條紋,兩邊各有一隻海馬,影射紐卡斯爾的航海傳統。盾牌上方是一座12世 紀的城堡,指的是俱樂部的名字(“紐卡斯爾”意譯為“新城堡”——譯註),城堡頂上有一隻金色的獅子揮舞着城市的旗幟。另一個有地理特色的隊徽屬於桑德蘭 (Sunderland)俱樂部,隊徽盾牌背景是俱樂部特色的紅白相間條紋,上有威爾茅斯橋(Wearmouth Bridge) 的圖案,該市一座19世紀建築的圖案,以及一個拉煤車車輪樣式的圖案,這是為了向本地的煤礦業傳統致敬。和桑德蘭市的城市徽章一樣,俱樂部隊徽的盾牌兩側 也被兩隻黑色獅子扶着。
有些隊徽與俱樂部的歷史有關。阿森納(Arsenal)隊徽上的大炮來自他們的綽號“槍手”(Gunners),因為俱樂部原來的球員都是倫敦伍爾 維奇區皇家兵工廠的工人。與之相似的是西漢姆隊(West Ham)的隊徽上有一對鉚起來的鎚子,指的是他們的外號“鐵鎚幫”(Hammers),俱樂部最早的成員來自泰晤士鋼鐵廠(Thames Ironworks)。伯明翰球隊阿斯頓維拉(Aston Villa)的隊徽上是一隻蘇格蘭風格的獅子,是為了紀念蘇格蘭服裝商人威廉姆·麥格雷戈(William McGregor),在俱樂部搬到該地區後,他與俱樂部有着密切的聯繫,後來在19世紀80年代協助建立起英格蘭足球聯賽。獅子旁邊有一顆白星,是為了紀 念維拉所取得的最高榮譽:1982年的歐洲冠軍杯(當時名為European Cup——譯註)冠軍。
諾維奇城(Norwich City)和女王公園巡遊者隊(Queens Park Rangers)的隊徽來自俱樂部的綽號,前者是金絲雀,後者是白色的鐵環。同樣,西布羅姆維奇隊(West Bromwich Albion)的隊徽也來自它的綽號,即本地方言里的“畫眉鳥”(Throstles),這種鳥兒經常聚集在球隊的主場山楂球場(The Hawthorns)。俱樂部的隊徽就是一隻畫眉鳥站在山楂樹枝頭。
我最喜歡的俱樂部曼徹斯特聯隊(Manchester United)的隊徽是一個活潑的紅色魔鬼,“紅魔”這個外號原本屬於附近的索爾福特城紅色橄欖球俱樂部,20世紀60年代中期,曼聯隊當時的教練馬特· 巴斯比(Matt Busby)覺得“紅魔”這個外號可以在戰術上威懾競爭球隊,於是為曼聯要來了這個綽號。曼聯的隊徽上還有一艘船,象徵著曼徹斯特大運河,此外還有兩個足 球的圖案。
而最令人悲傷的隊徽則非利物浦隊莫屬。隊徽上繪着城市的象徵:一隻深紅色的鳥兒,旁邊有兩簇火焰,紀念1989年希爾斯堡 (Hillsborough)慘案中遭踩踏而死的球迷。隊徽頂端是俱樂部主場安菲爾德球場香克利大門(Shankly Gates)上的鑄鐵圖案,另有利物浦俱樂部隊歌的名字“你永遠不會獨行”。
雖然我忠於曼聯隊,但我最喜歡的英超球隊隊徽其實是南安普頓隊(Southampton)的。20世紀70年代,球隊組織過一次為俱樂部設計新隊徽 的競賽,現在採用的隊徽就是當時的獲獎作品。隊徽上有一棵樹,象徵城市附近的“新森林”(New Forest),下面的水波紋象徵南安普頓市的碼頭,再下面是城市的象徵符號:一朵白玫瑰。隊徽頂端飛舞着紅白相間條紋的圍巾,最上面是一個環繞着金色光 環的足球,來自球隊的綽號“聖徒”(Saints),這個綽號可以追溯到1885年球隊由英國基督教青年會聖瑪麗教堂組建之時。


The British Knights of Soccer



LONDON — When the soccer players stride out on to the pitch Saturday to start the new season of England’s elite Premier League, most of them will be wearing shirts emblazoned with contemporary versions of the coats of arms that date back to medieval battles when they were often the only way of telling which side an armor-clad soldier was on.
Sadly, none of the 20 club crests score highly in terms of design purity or aesthetics. Garish colors and clumsy detailing are rife. Yet the most imaginative of them are intriguing examples of vernacular design, whose choice of symbolism is expressive, often eccentric and tells us a great deal about the character of the club, its history and location.
遗憾的是,纯粹以设计或美学角度来看,英超赛场上20支顶尖球队的队徽 得分都不算高,大都充斥着花哨的色彩和粗陋的细节。不过其中最有想象力的几个可以当作本地特色风格的典型,它们所选择的符号都很有表现力,大多都很奇特, 可以向我们揭示很多俱乐部的特色,以及它们的历史与所在地的信息。
Like so many other aspects of modern soccer, the current Premier League emblems are the products of commercialism. For decades, most English clubs adopted the civic insignia of their towns or cities. But as the global market for soccer merchandise and media rights expanded, many clubs replaced them with distinctive symbols that would be instantly recognizable and therefore more lucrative.
Chaiwat Subprasom/Reuters
Even so, every club bar one has emerged with a crest that looks very similar to a traditional coat of arms. The odd one out is Swansea City, which sports the closest the Premiership comes to a modernist logo, albeit a cheesily styled one consisting of a swan with wings resembling sea (duh!) waves. And even Swansea has chosen a heraldic-style emblem for this season to mark its centenary.
不过,所有俱乐部队徽都采用纹章装饰,和古代传统纹章非常相像。只有一 家例外,就是斯旺西城(Swansea City,威尔士城市,字面译为“天鹅海”——译注)的队徽,新杀入英超联赛的它有个现代主义的logo,而且有点俏皮,图案是一只天鹅,翅膀模拟大海 (喔!)的波浪。但是在新赛季就连斯旺西城也改用一个纹章样式的队徽,以纪念俱乐部成立百年。
All of the others have plumped for armorial motifs, typically in the shape of shields packed with illustrative symbols. There are three exceptions. Fulham’s shield encases its initials, FFC, and Stoke City’s contains the red and white stripes on the player’s shirts, “1863,” the year the club was founded, and its nickname, the Potters. (Stoke is the heart of Britain’s pottery industry.) Tottenham Hotspur has forsaken a shield but stuck to antiquated symbolism with a cockerel wearing riding spurs and standing on a soccer ball. The club was reputedly named after a 14th-century knight, Henry Percy, known as Harry Hotspur for his feisty temperament and habit of attaching riding spurs to the legs of fighting cocks. Percy’s family owned much of the area of north London where the club is based.
其他各队都采用盾形徽章设计,通常是以盾牌形状打底,上面装饰着各种图 形符号。只有三家例外。富勒姆(Fulham)俱乐部的盾牌上装饰着俱乐部的起首字母缩写“FFC”;斯托克城(Stoke City)俱乐部的队徽上是红白相间的条纹,这是俱乐部球衫的颜色,上面还写着俱乐部创立的年份“1863”,以及俱乐部的绰号“陶工”(The Potters,斯托克城是英国制陶工业的中心)。托特纳姆热刺俱乐部(Tottenham Hotspur)没有使用盾牌做底,但是仍保留了古老的象征符号,图案是一只佩戴马刺的斗鸡站在足球上。俱乐部的名字据说是来自14世纪的亨利·珀西 (Henry Percy)爵士,他脾气暴躁,还喜欢在斗鸡腿上绑马刺,因此得到“哈里·热刺”(Harry Hotspur)的绰号。热刺俱乐部位于伦敦北部,珀西家族当年拥有这里的大部分领土。
Lots of other crests reflect the club’s geography. Local landmarks appear on Everton and Reading’s motifs, while Manchester City’s features a ship as a nod to the Manchester Ship Canal, a diagonal stripe for each of the city’s three rivers and one of its heraldic motifs, a golden eagle. Wigan Athletic has also opted for a civic symbol in a “Wiggin Tree,” the local name for a mountain ash tree; as has Chelsea with a lion like that on the coats of arms of both the now defunct borough of Chelsea and the family of a past club president and local landowner, Earl Cadogan.
不少队徽都反映了俱乐部的地理位置。比如埃弗顿(Everton)和雷 丁(Reading)的队徽上就是俱乐部所在地的地标建筑。而曼城队(Manchester City)的队徽上有一条船,代表曼彻斯特大运河(Manchester Ship Canal),下面还有三条斜杠,每一条都代表曼彻斯特市的一条河,上方一只金色的鹰是曼彻斯特市的市徽纹章。维冈竞技队(Wigan Athletic)采用的是本城象征“维金树”(Wiggin Tree),这是当地一株花楸树的名字。切尔西(Chelsea)的队徽上是一只狮子,来自于如今已经不存在的切尔西行政区的纹章,以及俱乐部过去的主席 和当地土地拥有者卡多甘伯爵(Earl Cadogan)的纹章。
One of the most eloquent geographical crests is Newcastle United’s cartoonish version of the city’s coat of arms. A shield in the club’s signature black and white stripes is flanked by a pair of sea horses, alluding to Newcastle’s seafaring history, and topped by the 12th-century castle that inspired its name and a golden lion carrying the civic flag. Another belongs to Sunderland, whose emblem features its signature red and white stripes with images of nearby Wearmouth Bridge, a local 19th-century folly and a colliery wheel in a nod to the region’s coal mines. Its shield is held up by two black lions, like those on the city’s insignia.
最有地理特色的还要算是纽卡斯尔联队(Newcastle United)的队徽,上面是该市卡通式的纹章。盾牌背景是俱乐部特色的黑白相间条纹,两边各有一只海马,影射纽卡斯尔的航海传统。盾牌上方是一座12世 纪的城堡,指的是俱乐部的名字(“纽卡斯尔”意译为“新城堡”——译注),城堡顶上有一只金色的狮子挥舞着城市的旗帜。另一个有地理特色的队徽属于桑德兰 (Sunderland)俱乐部,队徽盾牌背景是俱乐部特色的红白相间条纹,上有威尔茅斯桥(Wearmouth Bridge) 的图案,该市一座19世纪建筑的图案,以及一个拉煤车车轮样式的图案,这是为了向本地的煤矿业传统致敬。和桑德兰市的城市徽章一样,俱乐部队徽的盾牌两侧 也被两只黑色狮子扶着。
Other clubs draw on their histories. The canon on Arsenal’s crest is a nod to its nickname, the Gunners, a reference to the club’s original players, who worked at the Royal Arsenal armaments plant in Woolwich. Similarly, the rivet hammers on West Ham’s badge refer both to its name, the Hammers, and its origins at the Thames Ironworks. A Scottish lion is emblazoned on the emblem of Birmingham-based Aston Villa in honor of William McGregor, a Scottish draper who became involved with the club after moving to the area, then helped to found the English Football League in the 1880s. A white star shines beside the lion to mark Villa’s greatest triumph: winning the 1982 European Cup.
有些队徽与俱乐部的历史有关。阿森纳(Arsenal)队徽上的大炮来 自他们的绰号“枪手”(Gunners),因为俱乐部原来的球员都是伦敦伍尔维奇区皇家兵工厂的工人。与之相似的是西汉姆队(West Ham)的队徽上有一对铆起来的锤子,指的是他们的外号“铁锤帮”(Hammers),俱乐部最早的成员来自泰晤士钢铁厂(Thames Ironworks)。伯明翰球队阿斯顿维拉(Aston Villa)的队徽上是一只苏格兰风格的狮子,是为了纪念苏格兰服装商人威廉姆·麦格雷戈(William McGregor),在俱乐部搬到该地区后,他与俱乐部有着密切的联系,后来在19世纪80年代协助建立起英格兰足球联赛。狮子旁边有一颗白星,是为了纪 念维拉所取得的最高荣誉:1982年的欧洲冠军杯(当时名为European Cup——译注)冠军。
Both Norwich City and Queens Park Rangers allude to their nicknames in their logos: Canaries for the former and white Hoops for the latter. Similarly, West Bromwich Albion is known as Throstles, local slang for the thrushes that congregate at its stadium, The Hawthorns. The club’s crest depicts a throstle on a sprig of hawthorn.
诺维奇城(Norwich City)和女王公园巡游者队(Queens Park Rangers)的队徽来自俱乐部的绰号,前者是金丝雀,后者是白色的铁环。同样,西布罗姆维奇队(West Bromwich Albion)的队徽也来自它的绰号,即本地方言里的“画眉鸟”(Throstles),这种鸟儿经常聚集在球队的主场山楂球场(The Hawthorns)。俱乐部的队徽就是一只画眉鸟站在山楂树枝头。
A perky red devil dominates the emblem of my favorite club, Manchester United. Originally the nickname of the nearby Salford City Reds rugby club, the Red Devils was adopted by United in the mid-1960s at the behest of its manager, Matt Busby, who saw it as a tactical ploy to intimidate rival teams. The crest also features a ship for the Manchester Ship Canal and a couple of soccer balls.
我最喜欢的俱乐部曼彻斯特联队(Manchester United)的队徽是一个活泼的红色魔鬼,“红魔”这个外号原本属于附近的索尔福特城红色橄榄球俱乐部,20世纪60年代中期,曼联队当时的教练马特· 巴斯比(Matt Busby)觉得“红魔”这个外号可以在战术上威慑竞争球队,于是为曼联要来了这个绰号。曼联的队徽上还有一艘船,象征着曼彻斯特大运河,此外还有两个足 球的图案。
The most poignant of the club motifs is Liverpool’s. A Liver Bird, the city’s symbol, is flanked by two flames to commemorate the 96 Liverpool fans who were crushed to death in the 1989 Hillsborough disaster. The tops of the wrought iron Shankly Gates at Anfield, the club’s stadium, are replicated above the shield, including the title of Liverpool’s anthem, “You’ll never walk alone.”
而最令人悲伤的队徽则非利物浦队莫属。队徽上绘着城市的象征:一只深红 色的鸟儿,旁边有两簇火焰,纪念1989年希尔斯堡(Hillsborough)惨案中遭踩踏而死的球迷。队徽顶端是俱乐部主场安菲尔德球场香克利大门 (Shankly Gates)上的铸铁图案,另有利物浦俱乐部队歌的名字“你永远不会独行”。
Loyalty to Manchester United notwithstanding, my favorite premiership emblem is Southampton’s. Based on the winning entry of a 1970s competition in which the club’s supporters were invited to design a new crest, it combines a tree to symbolize the nearby New Forest, water for Southampton’s docks and its civic symbol, a white rose. A red-and-white-striped scarf flies above the crest with a soccer ball encircled by a golden halo in a nod to the club’s nickname, the Saints, which dates back to 1885, when it was founded as the St. Mary’s Church of England Young Men’s Association.
虽然我忠于曼联队,但我最喜欢的英超球队队徽其实是南安普顿队 (Southampton)的。20世纪70年代,球队组织过一次为俱乐部设计新队徽的竞赛,现在采用的队徽就是当时的获奖作品。队徽上有一棵树,象征城 市附近的“新森林”(New Forest),下面的水波纹象征南安普顿市的码头,再下面是城市的象征符号:一朵白玫瑰。队徽顶端飞舞着红白相间条纹的围巾,最上面是一个环绕着金色光 环的足球,来自球队的绰号“圣徒”(Saints),这个绰号可以追溯到1885年球队由英国基督教青年会圣玛丽教堂组建之时。
