2019年6月8日 星期六

Raymond Moriyama 1929~ Transforming Society Through Architecture - Raymond Moriyama

Hanching Chung 分享了 1 則貼文
89歲的Raymond Moriyama


In 2012, he received a Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal. He also created a $200,000 endowment with the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada called the Moriyama RAIC International Prize.[7]



Transforming Society Through Architecture - Raymond Moriyama - Direct Talk - NHK WORLD - English
Dreaming of a better world, Canadian architect Raymond Moriyama established an international prize to promote design as a means to improve society through the transformative qualities of architecture.

15 min.
Direct Talk
Transforming Society Through Architecture
Raymond Moriyama
Broadcast on September 14, 2018
Dreaming of a better world, Canadian architect Raymond Moriyama established an international prize to promote design as a means to improve society through the transformative qualities of architecture.
Available until September 14, 2019
