2019年6月30日 星期日



Paris Architektur Vorschlag zur Neugestaltung von Notre Dame (Studio NAB)
(德國之聲中文網)2019年6月16日,巴黎大主教奧珀蒂(Michel Aupetit)頭戴安全帽,在巴黎圣母院主持災後首個彌撒。輔祭和信眾們也都戴上安全頭盔。在建築聚光燈的照耀下,祭壇一片通明。電視現場轉播畫面上可以看到,祭壇所在的屋頂上露出光線。
彌撒前,法新社報導了教堂主事肖韋(Patrick Chauvet)似有倔強意味的話:"巴黎圣母院生機盎然"。前科隆大教堂負責維修事務的總建築師朔克-維爾納(Barbara Schock-Werner)則有不同說法。她現在是德國幫助重建巴黎圣母院團隊協調員。距彌撒前數天,朔克-維爾納曾兩次進入巴黎圣母院勘察。這是一種難能可貴卻又危險的特殊待遇。包括朔克-維爾納在內的專家們認為,現對公眾關閉的巴黎圣母院目前仍有倒塌的危險。朔克-維爾納在科隆大教堂電台講述了自己的感受。她指出,儘管看上去要比她第一次看到的情況略好些,但在聖母院中堂依舊遍布燒焦的橫樑和落下的碎拱石。被消防水浸透的聖壇座椅有可能長黴。整個教堂內部完全熏黑,大管風琴亦未倖免。
Frankreich Paris | Wiederaufbau Kathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris (Reuters/P. Lopez)
然而,清理工作的最大障礙是屋頂銷融的數噸金屬鉛,建築物的整個內部都被污染。法國電視台France 24甚至報導了有關巴黎圣母院附近居住的一名孩子的情況。在這個孩子血液中發現含鉛量超標。
聖母院重建總建築師維爾納夫(Philippe Villeneuve)在接受《費加羅報》採訪時對馬克龍緊促的重建時間表提出異議。馬克龍總統要求實現"有創意的重建","傳統和現代的結合","既尊重有加,又大膽有為"。這些口號激勵了4月啟動的全國范圍的建築師投標。至6月底,將提交有關房頂及尖頂塔樓的新設計方案。
一段時間來,一些標新立異和雄心勃勃的建議逐漸為公眾所知。建築師卡勒博(Vincent Callebaut)設想建一個植物暖房,計劃通過都市花園化,每年在巴黎的高處種植21噸水果及蔬菜;斯德哥爾摩梅耶格林(Ulf Mejergren)建築師辦公室有意將教堂塔改造成跳塔,並建議,在聖母院頂設置一個巨大的游泳池。
Paris Architektur Vorschlag zur Neugestaltung von Notre Dame (Studio NAB)
今年5月,文化部長里斯特(Franck Riester)邀請法國民眾參與重建的"大討論、大磋商"。他同時明確指出,最後將由"國家"即菲利普(Edouard Philippe)總理現政府對聖母院的未來外觀做出決定。
因為,毀於此次大火的由勒杜克(Eugène Viollet-le-Duc)在19世紀設計的這一尖頂塔樓"永恆地"融入了聖母院。所以,維爾納夫指出,必須按原樣重建。他指出,科隆大教堂十字塔就是一個反面例子,是"1950年代強加於一座歷史建築物上的一顆痣"。現在,擁有150名同事的維爾納夫要極力阻止再發生此類錯誤。圍繞聖母院重建,在大膽和文物敬畏之間的衝突越來越明顯,而衝突何時會告終,礙難預料。





2019年6月29日 星期六

Hitting the BIG Time: Bjarke Ingels on Entrepreneurship and Architecture. Bjarke Ingels: Different Angles. BIG extends audemars piguet HQ.......設計邦


Bjarke Ingels stars in BIG Time documentary




Bjarke Ingels Interview: The Majesty of New York City
Watch as the internationally renowned Danish architect Bjarke Ingels shares his love of his playground and home since 2010, multicultural and magnificent New...


YouTube - 2017年4月11日

比亞克·英厄爾斯是一名丹麥建築師。他於2005年創立了比亞克·英厄爾斯集團。他以反傳統的建築理念聞名,山巒、雪花在他手中都是可利用的元素。他的設計中納入可持續發展的想法和社會學概念,這些建築的斜線往往與環境融為一體。 在丹麥,他設計了奧雷斯塔德的兩個住宅區: VM房屋和山居。 維基百科

出生: 1974 年 10 月 2 日(44歲),丹麥哥本哈根


著作HOT TO COLD. An Odyssey of Architectural Adaptation

學歷加泰隆尼亞理工大學 (1999 年), 丹麥皇家藝術學院

Bjarke Ingels Interview: The Majesty of New York City


用作名詞的時候,”Big time” 是「成功」、「成名」的意思。

2017年5月9日 - He shot the film named BIG Time over the course of seven years, ... At 42, Ingels has already built more than major buildings many architects ...
2015年10月9日 - Entitled “Bjarke Ingels – What Entrepreneurs and Architects can Teach Each Other”, the conversation centers around the idea of architecture as ...
2017年11月14日 - Star Architect Bjarke Ingels is Uniquely Changing City Skylines. BIG TIME, directed by Kaspar Astrup Schröder, is an inspirational documentary ...

TASCHEN 分享了 Louisiana Channel 的貼文
“It would be a waste if I didn’t do something that had to do with drawing.” Check out the Louisiana Channel on our pal, Bjarke Ingels (BIG) 👉 http://fal.cn/q-om

Louisiana Channel 分享了 1 條連結

In this extensive video, the renowned Danish architect Bjarke Ingels gives us insight into his inspiring architectural mind-set and comments on the importance of playing as a “non-scripted form of human expression that opens for discovery.”


designboom cn - designboom magazine | your first source for architecture, design & art news


alfredo brillembourg 于1961年生于纽约。他在哥伦比亚大学学习建筑,而后就读于委内瑞拉中央大学。1993年他在委内瑞拉的加拉加斯创办了 U »

BIG extends audemars piguet HQ with spiraling landform in switzerland
original content
jun 13, 2014
BIG extends audemars piguet HQ with spiraling landform in switzerland

BIG extends audemars piguet HQ with spiraling landform in switzerland
all images courtesy of BIG

for an extension to its historic headquarters in le brassus, switzerland, luxury watchmaker audemars piguet has commissioned a design team lead by BIG, with collaboration from HG merz, luchinger & meyer, and müller illien. the 2,400 sqm museum addition, called ‘la maison des fondateurs’ (the home of the founders), is composed as a spiraling and interweaving building form which blends with the landscape. its arrangement is based on a linear sequence of experiences which present a story to visitors. serving as a new attraction to the overall complex, the coiling pavilion properly represents the brand by blending its historic legacy with its independent and avant-garde spirit.
BIG audemars piguet museum la maison des fondateurs designboom
the spiraling form creates a continuous sequence of galleries

the particular form solves the programmatic dilemmas of the facility. the narrative structure of the visitors’ experience requires a continuous circulation, while the logistics and operations of workshop spaces also necessitate an interconnected relationship. by creating two spiraling forms which weave between one another, the three watch making studios are able to be immediately adjacent to one another, while surrounded by the connected galleries.
BIG audemars piguet museum la maison des fondateurs designboom
the linear museum experience wraps the outside of the spiraling form

the roof form of the pavilion is a continuous element, composed of a steel structure clad in brass. in plan, it reads as a unified whole, but is discontinuous in section to allow for daylight and views outward to la vallée de joux.
BIG audemars piguet museum la maison des fondateurs designboom
openings in the landscape provide guestrooms with views of the valley context
BIG audemars piguet museum la maison des fondateurs designboom
the facility includes interconnected watchmaking workshops

in describing the project, bjarke ingels states, ‘watchmaking, like architecture, is the art and science of invigorating inanimate matter with intelligence and performance. it is the art of imbuing metals and minerals with energy, movement, intelligence and measure – to bring it to life in the form of telling time. unlike most machines and most buildings today that have a disconnect between the body and the mind, the hardware and the software, for the maison des fondateurs we have attempted to completely integrate the geometry and the performance, the form and the function, the space and the structure, the interior and the exterior in a symbiotic hole‘.
BIG audemars piguet museum la maison des fondateurs designboom
a wide spiraling stair matches the building’s gesture
BIG audemars piguet museum la maison des fondateurs designboom
the roof form of the pavilion is a continuous element, composed of a steel structure clad in brass
BIG audemars piguet museum la maison des fondateurs designboom
the sloping gesture loosely relates to the hilly context
BIG audemars piguet museum la maison des fondateurs designboom