Ecole de Paris
Term applied to the loose affiliation of artists working in Paris from the 1920s to the 1950s. It was first used by the critic Andr? Warnod in Comoedia in the early 1920s as a way of referring to the non-French artists who had settled and worked in Paris for some years, many of whom lived either in Montmartre or Montparnasse, and who included a number of artists of Eastern European or Jewish origin.
モジリアニ [Amedeo Modigliani]
(1884-1920) イタリアの画家。エコール-ド-パリの一人。細長い首の単純化した形態と重厚な色彩で、哀愁を秘めた情感ある婦人像を描く。
スーチン [Cha
m Soutine]
(1894-1943) リトアニア生まれのフランスの画家。モジリアニらのエコール-ド-パリに仲間入りし、強い色彩、特に赤を用いて幻覚や激情をほとばしらせた独自の画風で人物・風景などを描いた。
Wikipedia article "Chaim Soutine".
シャガール [Marc Chagall]
(1887-1985) ロシア生まれの画家。パリで活躍。幻想的作風で、絵画における抒情詩人といわれる。旧約聖書の世界を題材にしたパステル画をよくした。版画・陶芸の作品も多い。
キスリング [Mo
se Kisling]
(1891-1953) フランスの画家。ポーランド生まれ。エコール-ド-パリの一人として、透明感があり色彩あふれる絵を描いた。作「ポーランド風の肩掛の娘」「モンパルナスのキキ」
(b Krakow, Poland, 22 Jan 1891; d Sanary, France, 29 April 1953). French painter of Polish birth. He studied at the School of Fine Arts in Krakow, where his teachers included Jozef Pankiewicz, a fervent admirer of Auguste Renoir and the French Impressionists, who encouraged him to go to Paris. He arrived there in 1910, frequented Montmartre and Montparnasse, and soon became acquainted with Amedeo Modigliani, Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso, Max Jacob, Andr? Salmon and Cha?m Soutine. For a short time he lived in the Bateau-Lavoir in Montmartre and in 1911-12 spent nearly a year at C?ret. In 1913 he took a studio in Montparnasse, where he lived for the next 27 years; Jules Pascin and later Modigliani lived in the same building. On the outbreak of World War I he volunteered for service in the French Foreign Legion, and in 1915 he was seriously wounded in the Battle of the Somme, for which he was awarded French nationality.