2008年3月9日 星期日

Hotel Everland

EuroVox | 10.03.2008 | 05:30

A Portable Paradise in the Heart of the City

In Suite 6 of Room Service, we redefine the term "a single room with a view" in the romantic city of Paris, France.

Drive down the side of the River Seine this year and you’ll see something weird perched on the roof contemporary art museum in Paris.

Designed by Swiss duo Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann, Hotel Everland is an artwork where you can spend the night.

The hotel is made from a prefabricated wooden frame with luxury interior design and it is quiet possibly the world’s first ever portable hotel.

Report: John Laurenson

"生活在瑞士" 來自 Xixi 用中文 (共18 篇日記)收藏
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2008-01-1 - 只有一间客房的酒店
著名的Hotel Everland酒店只有一间客房,面积约为35平米,除了一张双人床外,还有淋浴和休息部分。然而其价钱可不便宜,周二-周四每晚333欧元;周末更贵,周五-周日甚至达到444欧元。

Hotel Everland酒店其实更是一件艺术品,2002年瑞士艺术家Sabina Lang和Daniel Baumann为瑞士国家博览会(Expo.02)创作了该“作品”。艺术家对酒店的使用也做出了限制:客人只能预订该酒店一夜。

