2020年10月28日 星期三

Diego Velazquez, ‘Las Meninas’; Luis de Góngora y Argote

【西班牙藝術 ~ 侍女圖(Las Meninas)】
這幅在 20 世紀被稱為《侍女圖(Las Meninas)》的畫,原名為《菲力普四世一家人( La familia de Felipe IV)》,是西班牙黃金時代畫家委拉斯奎茲(Diego Velázquez)在 1656 年完成的一幅畫作,現收藏於馬德里的普拉多博物館。
《Las Meninas》是指進宮扶侍皇后、公主的年輕貴族,通常都是公侯之女、​名家閨秀,可不是一般的侍女喔!
以技巧來說, 《侍女圖(Las Meninas)》是無法超越的,委拉斯奎茲獨特的運用不同的透視法(見留言照片),營造出一個獨特的氣氛,就如同畫家除了畫出人物,還畫出空氣一般。
第一個透視是線性透視,幾個假想或虛構的線條(天花板、牆壁、牆上掛畫、地板 ... 等)引導我們的眼睛直到最深處,讓我們感覺出強烈的立體感。 中性顏色的地板、地毯和明暗交替的空間以及強調疏遠效果的陰影更強化了這個驚人的效果。
圖像裡可能有6 個人、室內

British Museum

Spanish artist Diego Velazquez died #onthisday in 1660. One of his most famous paintings is ‘Las Meninas’ (The Maids of Honour) from 1656 – this etching is Goya’s take from over 100 years later. Velazquez used a challenging and complex composition in this piece. Some figures look out from the painting, while others look into the scene, and we can see Velazquez himself working at a large easel. A mirror in the background reflects the image of the Spanish king and queen, and a man is seen climbing the stairs through a doorway.
進一步可參考:A story for Aesop By John Berger,漢清講堂的You Tube即將刊出!


Still-life paintings are on view, along with portraits, scenes from the lives of saints, and Biblical images. Not every one of the more than 60 paintings and sculptures, by 19 artists, is great. If El Greco's brushy, spectral paintings of white figures with weirdly elongated limbs are not to your taste, you may be thankful that the 11 works in the show from late in his life are balanced by seven wonderful pieces made by Velázquez at the start of his career. The Velázquezes include lovingly observed tavern scenes and the Boston museum's own stunning, small portrait of the poet Luis de Góngora y Argote.




La más bella niña
De nuestro lugar,
Hoy viuda y sola
Y ayer por casar,
Viendo que sus ojos
A la guerra van,
A su madre dice,
Que escucha su mal:

Dejadme llorar
Orillas del mar.

Pues me distes, madre,
En tan tierna edad
Tan corto el placer,
Tan largo el pesar,
Y me cautivastes
De quien hoy se va
Y lleva las llaves
De mi libertad,

Dejadme llorar
Orillas del mar.

En llorar conviertan
Mis ojos, de hoy más,
El sabroso oficio
Del dulce mirar,
Pues que no se pueden
Mejor ocupar,
Yéndose a la guerra
Quien era mi paz,

Dejadme llorar
Orillas del mar.

No me pongáis freno
Ni queráis culpar,
Que lo uno es justo,
Lo otro por demás.
Si me queréis bien,
No me hagáis mal;
Harto peor fuera
Morir y callar,

Dejadme llorar
Orillas del mar.

Dulce madre mía,
¿Quién no llorará,
Aunque tenga el pecho
Como un pedernal,
Y no dará voces
Viendo marchitar
Los más verdes años
De mi mocedad?

Dejadme llorar
Orillas del mar.

Váyanse las noches,
Pues ido se han
Los ojos que hacían
Los míos velar;
Váyanse, y no vean
Tanta soledad,
Después que en mi lecho
Sobra la mitad.

Dejadme llorar
Orillas del mar.

Luis de Góngora y Argote, 1580





Velazquez025、貢戈拉 Luis de Gongora y Argote、1622、詳細資料

維拉斯奎茲 Diego Velazquez
西班牙 Spanish Painter
贡戈拉(Luis de Gongora y Argote)诗选. 贡戈拉(1561-1627),主要作品有长诗《孤独》、《比拉莫和蒂斯贝的寓言》。 哦,海员. 哦,海员,气派非凡的水手, .
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: Luis de Góngora y Argote

(born July 11, 1561, Córdoba, Spain — died May 23, 1627, Córdoba) Spanish poet. Very influential in his era, he developed the difficult, complex poetic style that became known as gongorismo; it provoked scorn and enmity from many of his contemporaries and was so exaggerated by less gifted imitators that his reputation suffered until the 20th century, when his poems began to be appreciated for their cold beauty. Solitudes (1613) is perhaps his most outstanding work in the style. His lighter poetry — romances (folk ballads), letrillas (short lyric poems), and sonnets — achieved greater popular success. 西班牙詩人。他的巴洛克式曲折風格被稱為貢戈拉主義。由於被缺乏才氣的模仿者過度誇張,他死後聲譽受到損害。貢戈拉的短詩,如謠曲(羅曼采羅 〔romances〕)、歌謠(萊特里利亞〔letrillas〕)、十四行詩,一般都寫得很成功,但是他的長詩《波呂斐摩和加拉特亞的寓言》
