2016年4月30日 星期六

The Louvre invites the comics;「L'OUVRE 9 打開 羅浮宮九號@臺南Tainan」特展

The Louvre invites the comics | Louvre Museum | Paris

From French bandes dessinées (BDs) to Japanese mangas and American comic books, from science fiction to social commentary, from caricatures and cartoons ...

賴清德新增了 3 張相片
「L'OUVRE 9 打開 羅浮宮九號@臺南Tainan」特展正在台南文化中心盛大展出!

2016年4月29日 星期五

Thomas Cole (American, 1801-48), View on the Catskill—Early Autumn; “The Voyage of Life: Manhood” and “The Voyage of Life: Old Age,” both 1842,

Thomas Cole, "Sunrise in the Catskills," 1826, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Gift of Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd, in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of the National Gallery of Art

Happy birthday to Thomas Cole, born on this day in 1801. Cole was enraptured by the mountains, crags, and verdant valleys that rim the Hudson River in upstate New York and spent much of his time at his house near the town of Catskill, on the banks of Catskill Creek.http://met.org/1Q7g5uM
Thomas Cole (American, 1801–1848) | View on the Catskill—Early Autumn | 1836–37

Today we continue our examination of Thomas Cole’s “The Voyage of Life.” Begin by looking closely at the third picture in this series, “The Voyage of Life: Manhood.” What do you notice?
Nature's fury, evil demons, and self-doubt threaten the voyager in “Manhood.” As Cole said, “The helm of the boat is gone”; the voyager has lost control of his life. Do you agree? The angel looks down from the clouds as he is whirled toward violent rapids and bare, fractured rocks. Only divine intervention, Cole suggests, can save the voyager from a tragic fate.
Now let your eyes wander over the series’ last painting, “The Voyage of Life: Old Age.” What is the first thing that comes to mind? In this picture, the stream of life has reached the ocean of eternity where the voyager floats aboard his broken, weathered vessel. All signs of nature and “corporeal existence” are cast aside. How do we know? The guardian angel, whom he sees for the first time, directs his gaze toward a beckoning, soft light emerging from the parting clouds—the vision of eternal life.
What has Cole done specifically to indicate the passing of the voyager's ‪#‎Youth‬ in these two paintings? ‪#‎ArtAtoZ‬
Thomas Cole, “The Voyage of Life: Manhood” and “The Voyage of Life: Old Age,” both 1842, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund, 1971.16.3 and 1971.16.4

    Thomas Cole
    Thomas Cole was an American artist. He is regarded as the founder of the Hudson River School, an American art movement that flourished in the mid-19th century. Wikipedia
    BornFebruary 1, 1801, Bolton, United Kingdom
    DiedFebruary 11, 1848, Catskill

2016年4月28日 星期四

the new San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; The biggest contemporary art museum in America will be unveiled next month

In many countries rich art-buyers are deserting public institutions in favour of building their own private museums. Not in the Bay Area, where some 200 collectors have been persuaded to donate over 4,000 works of art to the new San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Building it took ingenuity, persuasiveness—and a lot of money

The newest architecture trend is... wooden towers?

CNNCNN International 都分享了 1 條連結

The newest architecture trend is... wooden towers?


Henri Matisse about the technique of linocut

líno • cùt
  1. [名詞]
  2. 1 リノカット:リノリウムを木版のように彫った版.
  3. 2 リノリウム版画:リノカットから印刷された版画.
  4. [語源]
li • no • le • um
  1. [名詞] リノリウム:硬質で洗浄可能な床仕上げ材の一種.
  2. [語源]
    1863.<ラテン語 līn(um)亜麻,リンネル+oleum「油」;もと商標名

Henri Matisse about the technique of linocut:
I want to say a couple of words about the prints on the linoleum. Do not resort to the linoleum from the savings targets to replace the tree. Linoleum prints gives a special character, dramatically different from woodcuts, and for him it is, and should choose this kind of engraving. I long ago came to mind, it is an instrument so simple, you can nevertheless be compared with a violin and bow: the surface, graver - four stretched strings and bow hair.
Graver, as the bow, is in direct contact with the sensitivity of the engraver: the slightest distraction during line involuntarily entail a light finger pressure on the tool bar and spoil. Similarly, only a light pressure of fingers on the bow to change the nature of the pitch.

Linocuts from the book of Henry de Montherlant. 'Pasiphae'. Minos Song (Cretans). The artist Henri Matisse. Publisher Martin Fabiani, Paris.

Книга «"Пасифая". Песня Миноса (Критяне)» находится в собрании Государственного Эрмитажа (поступила в 1968 г., дар Лидии Николаевны Делекторской)

Вита Нова 新增了 6 張相片
Анри Матисс о технике линогравюры:
Мне хочется сказать еще пару слов относительно гравюры на линолеуме. Не следует прибегать к линолеуму из целей экономии, чтобы заменить дерево. Линолеум придает эстампу свой особый характер, резко отличный от гравюры на дереве, и ради него именно и следует выбирать этот вид гравюры. Мне уже давно приходило в голову, что это орудие, такое простое, можно тем не менее сравнить со скрипкой и смычком: поверхность, штихель — четыре натянутые струны и волос смычка.
Штихель, как и смычок, находится в непосредственном контакте с чувствительностью гравера: малейшее отвлечение при проведении линии непроизвольно повлечет за собой легкий нажим пальцев на инструмент и испортит штрих. Точно так же достаточно легкого нажима пальцев на смычок, чтобы изменить характер тона.
Линогравюры из книги Анри де Монтерлан. 'Пасифая'. Песня Миноса (Критяне). Художник Анри Матисс. Издательство Мартена Фабиани, Париж.
我想要說一些話關於etchings麻油地板上. 應該不是必須採取linoleumu從儲蓄目標以替代的樹. 麻油地板附estampu它的特別自然, 戲劇性的不同從雕版的樹, 而且他是和應該選擇此類型的etchings. 我已經很久沒來過這你有沒有想過那個這是一個武器, 這麼簡單, 可以話說回來, 比較和琴弓: 表面, 雕刻刀-四很緊張根弦和頭髮鞠躬
雕刻刀, 像船頭是在直接聯絡與感性的gravera: 完全乾擾時, 拿著線故意會限制輕微的壓力的腳趾上的工具列與影響. 完全一樣的光足夠的壓力手指上弓, 改變大自然的音.
Linogravyury從之書亨利·德·蒙泰朗. "帕西淮'. 宋美濃(krityane). 亨利·馬蒂斯的畫家. 出版社馬丁·法比亞尼, 巴黎.

2016年4月27日 星期三

François Pinault, Luxury Goods Magnate, to Open Private Museum in Paris

    François Pinault
    François Pinault is a French businessman and art collector. He is the major shareholder and honorary chairman of the retail company Kering. Wikipedia
    BornAugust 21, 1936 (age 79), Les Champs-Géraux, France

In the news
Image for the news result
Today the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, joined François Pinault to announce plans to ...

Today the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, joined François Pinault to announce plans to convert the Bourse de Commerce in Les Halles into a museum displaying Pinault’s art collection. The space, formerly used as a trading point for the stock exchange, is prime real estate in the center of Paris, sandwiched nicely between the shopping on the Rue Saint-Honoré—conveniently the home of many Kering-owned boutiques—and the Louvre and Centre Pompidou museums. The circular building will be restored and renovated by Tadao Ando, with Pierre-Antoine Gatier, chief architect of Monuments Historiques; Lucie Niney and Thibault Marca of NeM agency; and Setec Bâtiment. Paris will be the second city to host Pinault’s public projects for his contemporary art collection; he also maintains three sites in Venice: Palazzo Grassi, Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi, and Punta della Dogana.

François Pinault had hoped to open his vast private modern-art collection to the public in France over a decade ago. At last, he has found a French home for that dream
The new museum marks something of a new era

Lantern Hotel in Kuala Lumpur

A stunning veil of bricks in Kuala Lumpur: http://arc.ht/1NNtZlj
"Natural light passes through the clay brick façade flows into the space."

2016年4月25日 星期一

Heatherwick Studio 的亞洲巡迴展:New British Inventors: Inside Heatherwick Studio

今天到北美館去看Heatherwick Studio 的亞洲巡迴展:New British Inventors: Inside Heatherwick Studio, March 2015 to October 2016
這家人數180人了。簡介(About)的第2段談的是價值觀、設計和實作"哲學",每個字眼都很重要,Making、創新、材料、匠 craftmanship、試驗....。
回來我跟太太談,她說她認識在這Studio 實習一年的,當時整天在做混凝土實驗.....我說,1976年東海建築畢業的林世堂博士是美國混凝土學會的Fellow,我跟談許多 混凝土的發明和世界最尖端的研究---如Princeton大學的.....
我想說什麼呢...... (將此文放到2013年的blog一篇:)

展覽即將進入尾聲! 有看展的朋友記得填問券抽獎喔! 我們將於展覽結束後送出原文版海澤維克著作的「Making」乙書喔!
展覽日期 3/5-5/15
展覽地點 臺北市立美術館

British Council Taiwan 的相片。

How Brutalist buildings came back in fashion

推這篇2014年的文章;去年我的母校Essex大學50周年慶,有篇宏文說學校在幾百年的parkland 造一Brutalism校園之傑作 (換句話說,需要談許多建築細部)。然後加州大學某校區,也是這風尚下的作品.....
我還建議到Wikipedia 此條的英 (特別豐富)、日 (日本採音譯)、中文版,再找幾篇相關的文章讀一下。這樣,可能約翻過數十年前的一本專作。
It's perhaps the most controversial architectural style of them all.
Post-war concrete architecture was decried by many as ugly – but now Brutalist buildings are back in fashion, writes Jonathan Glancey.

2016年4月24日 星期日

How to access a million stunning, copyright-free antique illustrations from the British Library

The images range from Restoration-era cartoons to colonial explorers’ early photographs. (via Quartz)
The 17th- through 19th-century images have been used on rugs, album…