2018年1月6日 星期六

Josef Čapek,1887年 - 1945年

A librarian in Watson Library takes a close look at the binding designs of Josef Čapek, an avant-garde Czech artist whose works were heavily influenced by Expressionism and Cubism.

Associate Museum Librarian Tamara Fultz looks at some of the striking binding designs of Josef Čapek

Josef Čapek
Josef Čapek (Czech pronunciation: [ˈjozɛf ˈtʃapɛk]; 23 March 1887 – April 1945[1]) was a Czech artist who was best known as a painter, but who was also noted as a writer and a poet. He invented the word robot, which was introduced into literature by his brother, Karel Čapek.


Čapek was born in HronovBohemia (Austria-Hungary, later Czechoslovakia, now the Czech Republic) in 1887. First a painter of the Cubist school, he later developed his own playful, minimalist style. He collaborated with his brother Karel on a number of plays and short stories; on his own, he wrote the utopian play Land of Many Names and several novels, as well as critical essays in which he argued for the art of the unconscious, of children, and of 'savages'. He was named by his brother as the true inventor of the term robot.[2][3] As a cartoonist, he worked for Lidové Noviny, a newspaper based in Prague. Due to his critical attitude towards national socialism and Adolf Hitler, he was arrested after the German invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939. He wrote Poems from a Concentration Campin the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where he died in 1945. In June 1945 Rudolf Margolius, accompanied by Čapek's wife Jarmila Čapková, went to Bergen-Belsen to search for him.[4] His remains were never found. In 1948 the court officially set the date of his death, the day which he did not survive being 30 April 1947.[5]
His illustrated stories Povídání o Pejskovi a Kočičce (All About Doggie and Pussycat) are considered classics of Czech children's literature.

Selection of his literary works[edit]

  • Lelio, 1917
  • Povídání o pejskovi a kočičce (All About Doggie and Pussycat), 1929, illustrated stories for children
  • Stín kapradiny, 1930, novel
  • Kulhavý poutník, essays, 1936
  • Land of Many Names
  • Básně z koncentračního tabora (Poems from Concentration Camp), published posthumously 1946
  • Adam Stvořitel (Adam the Creator) – with Karel Čapek
  • Dášeňka, čili život štěněte (Dashenka, or the life of a Puppy) – with Karel Čapek, illustrated by Josef
  • Ze života hmyzu (Pictures from the Insects' Life) 1921 – with Karel Capek

Josef Capek捷克JosefČapek18873月23  - 1945)是捷克畫家和作家。


1916年他正式推出Chapec兄弟。1921年,“布拉格,與查爾斯一起Lidové週報一直負責諷刺漫畫的紙張,並加入了紙”,納粹主義希特勒通過的,德國入侵捷克斯洛伐克活潑的批評在1939年被逮捕和監禁, 1945年4月,他在卑爾根 - 貝爾森集中營去世。
另外也知道,“ 機器人 ”這個名詞是在“RUR”中出現的,這也是Charles的代表作品此外,“有趣的傢伙小貓小狗”(本身還負責插圖的PovidaniØPejskovi一個Kocicce)是捷克兒童文學被稱為中的經典。

ヨゼフ・チャペックチェコ語Josef Čapek1887年3月23日 - 1945年4月)は、チェコの画家、著作家。


1916年、チャペック兄弟として正式にデビュー。1921年、カレルと共にプラハの「Lidové Noviny 紙」に入社して紙面の風刺漫画を担当したが、ナチズムアドルフ・ヒトラーに対する際どい批判により、ドイツがチェコスロバキアに侵攻した1939年に逮捕・収監され、1945年4月、ベルゲン・ベルゼン強制収容所で亡くなった。
カレルの代表作でもある戯曲『R.U.R.』における「ロボット」という用語を考案したという話でも知られている。また、自身がイラストも担当した『こいぬとこねこは愉快な仲間』(Povídání o pejskovi a kočičce)はチェコの児童文学における古典として知られる。

