2019年9月15日 星期日

Robert Frank (1924–2019),

「當人們觀看我的照片時,我希望他們覺得像是重複讀一首詩的某一行。」- Robert Frank #藝術狂語錄
攝影大師 Robert Frank 於上周逝世,Robert Frank 最知名的作品系列是1958年出版的攝影集《美國人》(The Americans),至今被譽為20世紀最有影響力的攝影集之一。《美國人》攝影集的問世後,在美國社會引發熱烈討論及迴響,反映著美國夢假象,一開始並未為人所接受,甚至被認為有反美的嫌疑。垮世代作家《在路上》的作者Jack Kerouac稱他是「手持相機、舉起抓拍,從美國內裡直接吮吸出一首哀愁詩歌,銘寫於底片上。」
Robert Frank 被稱為「#快拍攝影」(snapshot aesthetic)之父,他突破了攝影注重構圖與光影的古典傳統,追求用相機捕捉瞬間真實的畫面。他説「我厭倦了浪漫主義,只想通過相機呈現我所看見的,那些純粹而簡單的事物。」
▦在 2015 年 Robert Frank 的故事也拍成紀錄片《Don’t Blink: Robert Frank》
▦底圖來源:《New York City, 7 Bleecker Street》,Robert Frank,1993年9月

“The whole thing turned me upside down,” Amanda Petrusich writes about Robert Frank’s “The Americans.” “Frank’s images weren’t exclusively solemn, but a person could nonetheless get lost in them, trying to figure out what was going on.”

"He looked beneath the surface, seeing these ills in American society, but he also photographed novel areas of beauty within the country, subjects that other photographers hadn't previously looked at," says Sarah Greenough, director of photography at the National Gallery of Art.


In this rare interview, photographer Robert Frank discusses his seminal book The Americans (1958). He reflects on specific images from the series and gives i...


The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

“I’ve just seen the richest and most original set of photographs on America I’ve ever enjoyed as a concentrated one-man performance—Robert Frank’s Guggenheim project just completed.” —Walker Evans⁣ ⁣⁣

Remembering Robert Frank (1924–2019), one of the most influential artists of the last century.⁣ ⁣⁣

📸 Walker Evans. Robert Frank, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1971. Film negative. © Walker Evans Archive, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. #TheMet
