2023年11月11日 星期六

Loriot 100歲冥誕 Vicco von Bülow or Loriot (German comedian, humorist, cartoonist, film director, actor and writer.12 November 1923 – 22 August 2011),

Vicco von Bülow
Vicco von Bülow, 1971
Bernhard-Viktor Christoph-Carl von Bülow

12 November 1923
Died22 August 2011 (aged 87)
Known forÖdipussiPappa Ante Portas
Von Bülow in 2010

Bernhard-Viktor Christoph-Carl von Bülow (12 November 1923 – 22 August 2011), known as Vicco von Bülow or Loriot (German pronunciation: [loˈʁi̯oː]), was a German comedian, humoristcartoonist, film director, actor and writer.

He was best known for his cartoons, the sketches from his 1976 television series Loriot, alongside Evelyn Hamann, and his two movies, Ödipussi (1988) and Pappa Ante Portas (1991).

On the television series Unsere Besten (Our Best), Loriot was ranked the 54th best German ever. In a special comedy episode of Unsere Besten, he was ranked as the most famous German comedian ever.

Early life and personal life[edit]

Vicco von Bülow was born in Brandenburg an der Havel in Prussia, today Brandenburg, in modern north-eastern Germany. The von Bülow family belongs to German aristocracy. His parents, Johann-Albrecht Wilhelm von Bülow (1899–1972) and Charlotte (née von Roeder, 1899–1929), separated soon after he was born, and his mother died when he was six. Von Bülow and his brother grew up in Berlin with their grandmother.[1]

Von Bülow was still in school when World War II started. After graduating early from secondary school, he followed the family's tradition and became a military officer. He was deployed to the Eastern Front for three years, serving as Oberleutnant of Panzergrenadierregiment 3[1] in the 3rd Panzer Division. He was decorated with the Iron Cross 2nd class and 1st class. His younger brother, Johann-Albrecht Sigismund von Bülow, was killed on 21 March 1945, less than two months before the end of World War II. Asked during an interview later in his life if he had been a good soldier he answered: "Not good enough, otherwise I would have been part of the resistance on 20 July 1944. But for the dreadful German contribution to world history, I will be ashamed for the rest of my life."[2]

Von Bülow completed his Abitur in 1946. In 1951 he married Romi Schlumbom (born 1929), with whom he had two daughters.

Artistic career[edit]

Loriot's famous sofa from Loriot, reproduced in bronze, outside the Radio Bremen headquarters.

Gravestone of Loriot at Friedhof Heerstraße, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Berlin. Visitors have left rubber ducks on it in a tribute to one of Loriot's best-known sketches.

German Institute Taipei 德國在台協會
一座位於柏林的墓碑上堆滿了各式各樣的小鴨子。這座墓碑的主人名叫伯恩哈德-維克多·馮·畢洛(Bernhard-Viktor v. Bülow),藝名是Loriot。Loriot在德國無人不曉,是一位影響了德語世界幽默感的藝術大師。
Loriot出生於1923年,二戰結束后,他前往漢堡學習繪畫藝術。 自1950年起,他先後以漫畫家的身份為漢堡地方雜誌《路》(Die Straße)和《明星》(Stern)做設計,自那以後,他就以Loriot的藝名示人。
不過,Loriot的藝術道路並非一帆風順。 他在《明星(Stern)》雜誌上的連載漫畫《Auf den Hund gekommen》(變成狗)就使其一度聲名狼藉。
在漫畫里,狗和人的角色互換。 狗像人一樣使用兩條腿走路,並且明顯比人高,而人成了狗的寵物,極具諷刺性。 其第一部分的畫作的題目更是毫不掩飾的叫做“人必須要被鏈子牽著”(Menschen sind an der Leine zu führen)。
在如今,我們可以在很多動物保護主義者的作品中看到類似的創意。 但這樣的觀念對於當時的人們來說還很具有挑戰性,漫畫遭到了大批讀者抗議,並威脅要取消《明星》雜誌的訂閱。 漫畫最終第九集之後停刊,而《明星》雜誌一度中止了與Loriot的合作。
之後,Loriot通過熟人介紹,將漫畫在瑞士第歐根尼出版社(Diogenes Verlag)出版,並與這家出版社結成長久合作關係。
在前文提到的Loriot墓前的小黃鴨,正是為了紀念其大鼻子小人系列的經典作品——其最富盛名動畫短片《洗澡的紳士們(Herren im Bad)》。
故事講述的是兩位名為穆勒·呂登沙伊特(Müller-Lüdenscheidt)和克洛布納博士(Dr. Klöbner)的中年男性坐在同一浴缸裡,二人的對話雖然語氣不失分寸,但內容不乏挖苦與指責。 期間,克洛布納博士堅持把一隻玩偶鴨子帶進浴缸,遭到穆勒先生的強烈反對。
Loriot另一則頗為膾炙人口的喜劇短視頻《我只是想在這坐著(Ich will hier nur sitzen)》反映了兩性之間的矛盾,在後世的許多喜劇作品中似乎都能看到它的影子。
Loriot在不萊梅電臺製作同名系列節目。 其中一集名為《麵條(Die Nudel)》,與自己老搭檔埃維利·哈曼(Evelyn Hamann)扮演一對在餐廳吃飯的男女。 Loriot飾演的角色在餐後向女士告白,簡短的劇情令人噴飯。
對於創作,Loriot本人這樣理解:“我一直對現實生活感興趣,我只是把每天發生在我們生活中的事情慢慢地表現出來。 我試圖站在一旁,清晰地展示我們荒誕不經的生活。 ”
Loriot於2011年8月22日去世,享年87年。 他的去世可謂舉國哀悼,時任德國總統的武爾夫(Christian Wulff)在悼詞中稱他為“人性弱點的睿智觀察者”(lebensklugen Beobachter menschlicher Schwächen)。
德國藝術導演俱樂部發表的悼詞也不無Loriot式的幽默意味:“Lieber Gott, viel Spaß!” (親愛的上帝,祝你開心! )
Gravestone of Loriot at Friedhof HeerstraßeCharlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Berlin. Visitors have left rubber ducks on it in a tribute to one of Loriot's best-known sketche
