2008年1月27日 星期日

Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste

Pigalle 皮嘉爾
ピガール 1736 從巴黎徒步到羅馬學習至1739

Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste (1714-85). The greatest and most successful French sculptor of the 18th c. Employed by Madame de Pompadour and the crown, Pigalle was one of the first to explore dramatic forms of naturalism in monumental commissions.

His most famous works are the Tomb of the Maréchal de Saxe (1753-76), showing the young hero striding confidently to his death, and the shocking, life-size, gaunt nude of Voltaire (1776).
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Jean-Baptiste Pigalle Voltaire nu

terracotta 版本


━━ n., a. テラコッタ(細工) ((赤土素焼の花びん・像など)); その色(の).

Pigalle, Jean Baptiste (zhäN bätēst' pēgäl') , 1714–85, French sculptor. His skill embraced a wide range, from small works appealing to the taste of the court to large and elaborate tombs. Among the latter are the mausoleum of Marshal Maurice of Saxony, Church of St. Thomas, Strasbourg, and that of the Count d'Harcourt, Notre-Dame de Paris. In the Louvre are Love and Friendship, the Child with Cage, and the graceful Mercury Tying his Sandal, considered his masterpiece.這讓他榮登學院 平步青雲

Figure 8 : Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, Mercure attachant ses talonnières, marbre. Paris, musée du Louvre. C’est le morceau de réception de l’artiste, au Salon de 1744, qui lui a a valu une célébrité immédiate. Un modèle en terre cuite pour cette statue, actuellement au Metropolitan Museum of Art de New-York, avait été exposé au Salon de 1742. Le rapprochement imaginé par Diderot entre ce Mercure aux bras baissés et le Mercure discourant de Lagrenée n’est guères convaincant.

Jean-Baptiste Pigalle
Statue of Jean-Baptiste Pigalle on the Hôtel de Ville of Paris
Statue of Jean-Baptiste Pigalle on the Hôtel de Ville of Paris

Jean-Baptiste Pigalle (January 26, 1714August 28, 1785) was a French sculptor.

He was born in Paris, the seventh child of a carpenter. Although he failed to obtain the Grand Prix, after a severe struggle he entered the Académie Royale and became one of the most popular sculptors of his day.

His earlier work, such as Child with Cage (model at Sèvres) and Mercury Fastening his Sandals (Berlin, and lead cast in Louvre), is less commonplace than that of his more mature years, but his nude statue of Voltaire, dated 1776 (initially in the Institut de France, purchased by the Louvre in 1962), and his tombs of Comte d'Harcourt (c. 1764) (Notre Dame de Paris) and of Marshal Saxe, completed in 1777 (Saint-Thomas Lutheran church, Strasbourg), are good examples of French sculpture in the 18th century.

His name is most commonly known because of the Pigalle red-light district in Paris, located around the square of the same name.


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