2012年11月4日 星期日

nude men from 1800 to the present day

Ilse Haider, Mr. Big, Installation im Innenhof des MuseumsQuartiers, 2012 © Courtesy Galerie Steinek, Wien

nude men

from 1800 to the present day

19 October 2012 – 28 January 2013
Previous exhibitions on the theme of nudity have mostly been limited to female nudes. With the presentation “naked men” in the autumn of 2012 the Leopold Museum will be showing a long overdue exhibition on the diverse and changing depictions of naked men from 1800 to the present.
Thanks to loans from all over Europe, the exhibition “naked men” will offer an unprecedented overview of the depiction of male nudes. Starting with the period of Enlightenment in the 18th century, the presentation will focus mainly on the time around 1800, on tendencies of Salon Art, as well as on art around 1900 and after 1945. At the same time, the exhibition will also feature important reference works from ancient Egypt, examples of Greek vase painting and works from the Renaissance. Spanning two centuries, the presentation will show different artistic approaches to the subject, competing ideas of the ideal male model as well as changes in the concept of beauty, body image and values.

中英對照讀新聞/Male nude posters plaster Vienna, draw complaints 維也納貼滿裸男海報引來抱怨


Naked men of all sizes and shapes are appearing on Vienna kiosks as a prestigious museum kicks off an exhibit of male nudity. But outside the exhibition, organizers are being forced into cover-up mode after a storm of complaints that the ad posters are offensive.
In a show titled "Nude Men from 1800 to Today," the Leopold Museum recently opened its doors to examine how artists have dealt with the theme of male nudity over the centuries.
Inside, around 300 art works are on display _ including the controversial photograph that is raising the ire of Viennese. Created by French artists Pierre & Gilles, "Vive La France" shows three young, athletic men of different races wearing nothing but blue, white and red socks and soccer shoes.
No visitors were complaining as they filed past that photo and even more graphic examples of male nudity. Not so in the city. Posters of the three men were given impromptu fig-leafs _ lines of red tape covering their private parts.
Other reactions were positive. "I like that we get to see naked men for a change," said Veronika Kren. "(AP)
ire:名詞,指憤怒,如Petty restrictions easily raised/aroused the ire of such a creative artist.(這些瑣碎的限制很容易就讓這麼有創意的藝術家發怒。)
fig leaf:名詞,原指無花果葉,基督教聖經中的亞當與夏娃在發現自己裸體後即用無花果葉遮住自己的性器官,引申為指僅可蔽體之衣服,或指用來掩蓋尷尬問題 的事物,如Are the peace talks simply providing a fig leaf for the continuing aggression between the two countries?(和談是否只是為了掩飾這兩國之間的持續衝突?)
for a change:因為不尋常或新奇而讓人感到愉悅或有趣、換口味,如It’s nice to see her smile for a change.(看到她難得露出微笑感覺挺不錯的。)
