2018年2月7日 星期三

Peter Dormer: 《現代設計的意義》The Culture of Craft; Design Since 1945 ; The Art of the Maker: Skill and Its Meaning in Art, Craft and Design

2018.2.8 看了Kensas 博物館的日本新陶瓷,我將一本 Peter Dormer主編的The New Ceramics 寫下去。
然後查一下 Peter Dormer,已經過世 1949~96,英國皇家設計學校RCA有他為名之年度設計學講座。
然後,查他的書,圖書館有The Culture of Craft;
 Design Since 1945 ;
The Art of the Maker: Skill and Its Meaning in Art, Craft and Design
我在Google Books讀他參訪柏林Bauhaus檔案館對其建築的批評 (相對Bauhaus的手工藝品之工藝水準,建築令人不敢恭維.......),決定去借書。
《現代設計的意義》書的《後記》由已故主編 (5本叢書是其夫君在英讀博士十的"作品"。他太太在其離世頭七2012,寫一:《念奴嬌》悼念其夫君。

The Culture of Craft - Google Books Result

Peter Dormer - 1997 - ‎Crafts & Hobbies
refuse? PETERDORMER. After the Bauhaus Many of us have come across works of art that thrill us. Such objects may include, although not necessarily, those 'masterpieces' or monuments promoted by museums or national tourist boards. Whatever they are, they will have for us the status of being defining objects, objects ...

The Art of the Maker: Skill and Its Meaning in Art, Craft and Design ...


The Art of the Maker: Skill and Its Meaning in Art, Craft and Design [Peter Dormer] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. When Clement Greenberg declared that inspiration is the only factor that cannot be copied, he laid down a charter that has become a dead-end shibboleth for a whole culture. In painting ...

Design Since 1945   Peter Dormer
