The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
FULCRUM: an annual of poetry and aesthetics
"Portrait of Mrs William Morris," drawing by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (England). 1870. "The drawing represents the wife of William Morris, Jane Burden, with whom Rossetti was also in love. The remote, melancholy tenor of the image seems to foreshadow their doomed affair. That Rossetti never sold this sheet attests to its personal significance."
"Portrait of Mrs William Morris," drawing by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (England). 1870. "The drawing represents the wife of William Morris, Jane Burden, with whom Rossetti was also in love. The remote, melancholy tenor of the image seems to foreshadow their doomed affair. That Rossetti never sold this sheet attests to its personal significance."
Which artwork best reflects your mood right now? (Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 'Beata Beatrix' c.1864–70)
Dante Gabriel Rossetti died #onthisday in 1882. Here’s one of his graphite drawings depicting the doomed lovers Paolo and Francesca from Dante's Divine Comedy