2015年11月11日 星期三

'Marriage A-la-Mode' By William Hogarth

Satirical artist William Hogarth drew ordinary, flawed people. He told stories "bawdy and violent, appealing and grim" and held up a steady mirror to the worst aspects of London life. Hogarth was born on this day in 1697

Artist William Hogarth was born on November 10th 1697

à la mode - Wiktionary


English[edit]. Etymology[edit]. Borrowing from French à la mode (“in the style”). 

National Gallery
'Marriage A-la-Mode' was the first of William Hogarth's series of engravings that took the upper echelons of society as its subject. Here is the final scene, 'The Lady's Death': http://bit.ly/1WKl0Y1
