2017年6月11日 星期日

盧浮宮 Louvre, Paris

British Museum 新增了 4 張相片

The Musée du Louvre opened ‪#‎onthisday‬ in 1793! The Parisian museum features in many prints and drawings, with the galleries attracting lots of painters and sketchers over the years. In these four images we can see the galleries looking very different.

After two centuries as a royal palace, the Louvre opened as a public museum in Paris on August 10th 1793. It is now the world's most popular museum, with around 10m visitors a year

The Louvre opened in Paris on this day in 1793

Pierre Rosenberg《盧浮宮私人詞典》翻譯本中, 無一張圖、畫。不過有些人物的書寫很有意思,譬如說, Vivant Denon 1747-1825


André Malraux 詞條:主持兩藝術家的國葬
Georges Braque ( 13 May 1882 – 31 August 1963)
Le Corbusier ( October 6, 1887 – August 27, 1965)
