2018年5月26日 星期六

Ilya Repin



Although Repin strayed away from painting historical episodes, he completed Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan in the genre. This painting depicts the historical 16th century story of Ivan the Terrible mortally wounding his son in Ivan in a fit of rage. By far the most psychologically intense of Repin’s paintings, the Emperor’s face is fraught with terror, as his son lay quietly dying in his arms, blood dripping down the side of his face, a single tear on his cheek. Repin began thinking about painting this historical episode after the assassination of Alexander II. In an attempt to recall other bloody episodes of Russian history, he painted this piece as a as an expression of his rejection of violence and bloodshed.

Work by Ilya Repin torn in three places by man who become ‘overwhelmed’…

Ilya Yefimovich Repin (1844~1930) 1910年停下為(坐)作家畫像,讀報上的托爾斯泰死訊:他的右上方是為托翁夫婦的畫像。後來移居芬蘭,不忍將彼德堡寫成列寧格勒,寄給朋友的書信都無法抵達。

