- Munari, Bruno (1966). Arte come mestiere [Design as Art (literally: Art as Craft]. ISBN 978-0-14-103581-9.
- Munari, Bruno (1971). Artista e designer [Artist and Designer]. Roma-Bari: Laterza
The following are included in Design as Art. They have also been published individually:
- The Triangle. Mantova, Italy: Corraini. 2007.
- The Discovery of the Circle. New York: G. Wittenborn. (English translation by Marcello and Edna Maestro.) 1965.
- Discovery of the Square. New York: George Wittenborn. (English translation by Desmond O'Grady.) 1965.
Bruno Munari
| |
Born | October 24, 1907
Milan, Italy
Died | September 30, 1998 (aged 90)
Milan, Italy
Resting place | Cimitero Monumentale, Milan, Italy |
Occupation | Artist, designer |
「設計師是現今的藝術家,並非因為他是天才,而是因為他能夠重新連結藝術與大眾。」布魯諾.莫那利(Bruno Munari,1907-1998)這話是真知灼見――20世紀後半大眾文化崛起、全球化,討論「連結藝術與大眾」已不再只是「應用與純藝術」和享有藝術的「階級」問題;同理,代表當代的音樂,是流行音樂、電影音樂――披頭四、瑪丹娜、漢斯.季默將被時代記住。創造〈無用機器〉、想像力超群的莫那利,在《設計做為藝術》中崇尚直觀、平衡、功能性,看似矛盾,其實不然――層次豐富,不代表鬆散、洛可可風;莫那利的精華是邏輯性。本書可視為一連串知性、娛樂性並駕齊驅的閒談(short talk),從「何謂設計∕師」出發,輻射至視覺、平面、工業設計,最後進入對基本元素的「研究」。非常莫那利的是,這本「工具書」有篇非常抒情的「附錄」:前往一座水磨的兒時回憶。