Scenes from the story of Saint Francis of Assisi as articulated in The Golden Legend—a compilation of the lives of the saints that was widely diffused in the Middle Ages—appear in the quadrants of this manuscript leaf.
Featured Artwork of the Day: Manuscript Leaf with Scenes from the Life of Saint Francis of Assisi | ca. 1320–42 | Italian
"The Stigmatization of St. Francis" by Vincente Carducho "Among the show's most floridly imaginative works are paintings showing Saint Francis of Assisi having visions. In one by Vicente Carducho, the saint levitates over a rural landscape and receives stigmata from Jesus who hovers before him, crucified on a cross of pink, angelic wings. The ecstasy seems as much erotic as religious."
Photo: Hospital de la v.O.T. de San Francisco de Asis
Francis of Assisi, St.:聖方濟.亞西西:舊譯名方濟各(1181-1226),1224年自己的身體印了五傷,親身體驗到耶穌所受的十字架痛苦,1228年列入聖品,又 稱五傷聖方濟,為一平民化的義大利聖人。創立了方濟會;該會先後分出三支:方濟小兄弟會 Order of Friars Minor(1209年),方濟住院會 Conventuals(1415年),嘉布遣會 Capuchins(1525年)。
stigmata(L.):五傷:與耶穌受難時釘痕相似的記號,曾在(亞西西Assisi)聖方濟及其他人身上出現過。拉丁文 stigma,原意指傷痕、印記。
- "In a painting by Francisco Ribalta, Saint Francis beholds a wild-haired, lute playing angel who has floated into his rough cell on a cloud. Such paintings offered themselves as models of religious experience. The sufficiently devout and spiritually imaginative might one day be granted similarly arousing supernatural visitations."Photo: Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art