2008年7月1日 星期二

Jean Gobelin


祇園祭在每年的七月十七日舉行。祭典上高大的人拉彩車,稱為「鉾」。好幾座「鉾」,就載著以笛、太鼓、鉦為樂器的男性樂隊,一路橫越京都的中心部。鴨川 (註二)東岸有八坂神社(註三)的祭典,而「鉾」則繞鴨川以西的地帶遊行。期間,市內電車停止營運。「鉾」、祇園祭上敲鑼打鼓的熱鬧伴奏聲以及群眾,皆徜 徉於夏日的陽光之下。

用來裝飾「鉾」的紡織製品中,還有訴說東方的博士去探訪耶穌誕生之故事的高布林織品(註四)。據說,那些都是信長(註五)從南蠻寺(註六)的牆壁上剝下, 送給京都市民的。想進一步比較這樣的日本祭典和中國祭典的人,可讀清代戚學標(1742-1823)(註七)的《鶴泉文鈔》。

註四:(譯注)高布林織品,為法國巴黎國立高布林織品工廠製造的壁飾用織品。高布林之名,源自十五世紀時,研發者珍‧高布林(Jean Gobelin)的名字。高布林織品使用各種色線,精緻且巧妙地表現出人物、風景等圖樣,用以裝飾牆壁。現在一般稱與之相同模樣、產自歐洲的紡織品為高布 林織品。"【玉海拾譯】吉川幸次郎〈祇園祭〉 - 從江戶到東京- PChome新聞台Blog

Jean Gobelin 圖示

Wikipedia article "Gobelin".

Columbia Encyclopedia: Manufacture nationale des Gobelins
(mänüfäktür' näsēônäl' dā gôblăN') , state-controlled tapestry manufactory in Paris. It was founded as a dye works in the mid-15th cent. by Jean Gobelin. A tapestry works started by two Flemish weavers, Marc de Comans and François de la Planche, called to France by Henri IV in 1601, was later added. In 1662, Louis XIV purchased the Gobelins manufactory and there Colbert united all the royal artisans, creating a royal tapestry and furniture works. Charles Le Brun was director and chief designer from 1663 to 1690. The Gobelins was temporarily closed from 1694 to 1697, after which the works specialized in tapestry. Both low- and high-warp weaving were done until about 1825, when the low-warp power frames were moved to the manufactory of Beauvais; they were returned to Gobelins after World War II. The Gobelins factory has always been noted for excellence of materials, dyes, and workmanship; it originated the exquisite Gobelins blue. Famous tapestries from its looms include a set based on copies of Raphael's frescoes in the Vatican and 14 great pieces commemorating the achievements of Louis XIV.
