2015年9月18日 星期五

John Singer Sargent 作品

Examine this Venetian street scene by John Singer Sargent. Is it what you typically think of when you imagine Venice?
Sargent’s scene of Venice eliminates all of the traditional clichéd tourist symbols of Venice—gondoliers, canals, and the Rialto Bridge. Instead, he evokes the atmosphere of a Venice known to local inhabitants, a city of lonely figures and furtive conversation in deserted passageways.
What do you think the woman in the painting could be thinking? Where do yo⋯⋯

The “Sargent: Portraits of Artists and Friends” exhibition reading room features an installation of twenty-one drawings and watercolors by John Singer Sargent from the Met's extensive holdings. The selections reveal his technical brilliance as a watercolorist and draftsman.http://met.org/1DvTjXX ‪#‎MetSargent‬
John Singer Sargent (American, 1856–1925) | Man and Pool, Florida | 1917

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

In this blog post, learn about the decision to include Sargent's "Madame X" in the "Sargent: Portraits of Artists and Friends" exhibition on view through October 4.

Where Is “Madame X”?

John Singer Sargent, 'Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose' 1885–6

He worked on the picture, one of the few figure compositions he ever...


The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Featured Artwork of the Day: John Singer Sargent (American, 1856–1925) | Lady with the Rose (Charlotte Louise Burckhardt) | 1882http://met.org/1yUdoIj

Happy birthday to John Singer Sargent, born on this day in 1856. Celebrate with an essay and slideshow of his works:http://met.org/1xXa4O2

John Singer Sargent (American, 1856–1925) | The Wyndham Sisters: Lady Elcho, Mrs. Adeane, and Mrs. Tennant | 1899

John Singer Sargent was born ‪#‎onthisday‬ in 1856. This watercolour was a sketch looking out of his hotel window in Genoahttp://ow.ly/GXMGd

美畫家薩金特罕見作品倫敦首展 【7/15 08:25】

John Singer Sargent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

〔中央社〕已故知名美國畫家薩金特,曾被法國著名藝術家羅丹譽為19世紀最傑出的人像畫家,薩金特生前熱愛海洋,70多幅薩金特極為罕見、以海洋為主題的 畫作,首次在倫敦展出。

皇家藝術學院(Royal Academy of Arts)特展籌劃人杜馬(Ann Dumas)接受中央社記者專訪時說,薩金特(John Singer Sargent)的父母是美國人,但他在義大利佛羅倫斯出生,全家人經常在歐洲各地旅行,並曾在倫敦住過一段時間,直到20歲他的母親才第1次帶他回祖國 訪問。

杜馬表示,薩金特最著名的是人像畫,法國知名雕塑家羅丁(Auguste Rodin)曾讚譽薩金特是當時最出色的畫家,他經常畫上流社會人物、富家女仕的人像畫,畫作受到高度推崇與尊敬,特別是在英國和美國。

這次特展的畫作,是薩金特18-24歲時的早期創作,杜馬說,「他雖然年輕,但是極具才華,你看他的畫作感覺不出來他是很年輕的畫家」,「這次特展主要展 現他對海洋的熱愛,這些來自英、美博物館與私人收藏的畫作,首次匯集在英國公開展覽」。

特展中最重要的是1878年薩金特以法國西北部的小漁村Cancale為背景,數名婦女與小孩準備去採生蠔的畫作,畫中人物看來十分自在、自然,天空的雲 朵及海灘水面上映照的影像逼真寫意,顯示薩金特對光線與人物敏銳的觀察力。

杜馬說,「當年22歲的薩金特希望能在法國沙龍展露頭角,選擇當時買家最喜歡的勞工在田野或海邊工作題材,並特別畫了大尺寸的畫(78.8公分 x122.8公分),希望能獲得注意」。

另一幅必看的重要畫作則是1876年5月薩金特和母親首次回到故鄉美國,他們從英國利物浦港搭船回美國,4個月後返回歐洲時,在大西洋遭遇到嚴重的暴風 雨,薩金特回到巴黎畫室後,將當時的景象用畫筆生動的記錄下來。



