2015年7月31日 星期五

湖綠色瓶盆風華, Dan Flavin's "greens crossing greens (to Piet Mondrian who lacked green)" 1966

湖綠色是今夏相當討喜的顏色,在18世紀末-19世紀初的清宮裡也有湖綠色的粉彩瓷,歡迎大家到 瓶盆風華-明清花器特展 一起來看看。
‪#‎清‬ ‪#‎粉彩瓷‬ ‪#‎花器‬
瓶盆風華【清18世紀末-19世紀初 粉彩瓷番蓮菊瓣式花盆與盆托】(陳列室:203)
Current Exhibit: Enchanting Splendors of Vases and Planters: A Special Exhibition of Flower Vessels from the Ming and Qing Dynasties
【Chrysanthemum-shaped flowerpot and pot stand with Indian lotus décory】(Gallery: 203)⋯⋯

On St. Patrick's Day, enjoy Dan Flavin's "greens crossing greens (to Piet Mondrian who lacked green)" 1966 from the Guggenheim collection made with green fluorescent lights: http://gu.gg/KrqcU
