2015年8月23日 星期日

Paul Cézanne (French, 1839–1906)

The composite image of fishermen and elegantly attired strollers along a sunlit shore in this painting by Paul Cézanne derives from paintings of outdoor leisure by Manet and Monet from the 1860s, and harkens back to pastoral prototypes that Cézanne admired in the work of the Venetian painters Giorgione, Titian, and Veronese.
Featured Artwork of the Day: Paul Cézanne (French, 1839–1906) | The Fishermen (Fantastic Scene) | ca. 1875 http://met.org/1LaEpvA

"Summery selection" #7, the famous Estaque by Cézanne :http://bit.ly/1T3ZNK0
Illustration :
Paul Cézanne, Le golfe de Marseille vu de l'Estaque dit aussi L'Estaque (1878-1879)
Paris, musée d'Orsay. Legs de Gustave Caillebotte, 1894
© RMN-Grand Palais (musée d'Orsay) / Hervé Lewandowski

Cézanne via le Musée de l'Orangerie.

Huile sur toile, 92 x 68 cm
Paris, musée de l'Orangerie - Collection Walter-Guillaume
© Musée de l'Orangerie / B. Oisel
你的週末可能蘊藏豐富的藝術發現 !
Paul 塞尚 (1839年-1906)
〈 紅岩 〉,大約 1895年
布面油畫,92 × 68 釐米
巴黎博物館德橘園-Walter 紀庸的收藏
© 博物館德橘園 / B.歐比



Paul 塞尚 (1839年-1906)

〈 紅岩 〉,大約 1895年

布面油畫,92 × 68 釐米

巴黎博物館德橘園-Walter 紀庸的收藏

© 博物館德橘園 / B.歐比
"[“Madame Cézanne”] may well go down as the exhibition of the year." —The Boston Globe. It’s your last chance to see this exhibition, closing in one week! http://met.org/11QAUJo

Paul Cézanne (French, 1839–1906) | View of the Domaine Saint-Joseph | late 1880s
