2019年8月1日 星期四

Rape of the Sabine women 強擄薩賓婦女

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強擄薩賓婦女》(義大利文:Ratto delle sabine)是一座著名的義大利佛羅倫斯中世紀大理石雕塑,高14英尺,由法蘭德斯藝術家詹波隆那在義大利以一塊巨型大理石雕成[1][2]。從1582年開始,那座雕塑被豎立在毗鄰烏菲茲美術館傭兵涼廊[3]。雖然該雕像曾於2001年復修,但很快又被酸雨侵蝕。


  1. ^ 蘇珊小語編著. 暢遊意大利. 北京:中國輕工業出版社. 2014.04: 203. ISBN 978-7-5019-9656-8.
  2. ^ 高穎,彭軍主編. 歐洲城市景觀. 上海:東華大學出版社. 2015.10: 66. ISBN 978-7-5669-0622-9.
  3. ^ 費頓出版社著;陳艷紅譯;王燕飛譯;陳敏譯. 藝術之書 最新修訂版. 南寧:接力出版社. 2013.06: 210. ISBN 978-7-5448-2972-4.

The Rape of the Sabine Women was an incident in Roman mythology in which the men of Rome committed a mass abduction of young women from the other cities in the region. It has been a frequent subject of artists, particularly during the Renaissance and post-Renaissance eras.
The word "rape" is the conventional translation of the Latin word raptio used in the ancient accounts of the incident. Modern scholars tend to interpret the word as "abduction" or "kidnapping" as opposed to a sexual assault. Controversy remains, however, as to how the acts committed against the women should be judged.[1]

Rape of the Sabine women, 1963
Pablo Picasso.
