2019年12月23日 星期一

Sites of Modernism:全德國與 Bauhaus and modernism 相關建築導引

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Sites of Modernism

Extraordinary sites associated with the Bauhaus and modernism can be found throughout Germany—pioneering architecture that has enduringly shaped our understanding of life and work, learning and living. This travel guide brings the historical and architectural traces of over 100 examples of Neues Bauen building to life, making tangible the impact of the historical Bauhaus beyond the school, its sites and its time.
Along with well-known buildings, the guide features insiders’ tips throughout Germany, attractive illustrations, texts, practical information, and maps. The essays by Werner Durth and Wolfgang Pehnt outline the history of the Bauhaus’s context and its influence to the present day.

Publication date on will be published on 13.08.2019

Bauhaus 100. Sites of Modernism, Bauhaus Assosication Berlin Dessau Weimar (Publisher), Hatje Cantz 2019.

ISBN: 978-3-7757-4613-7
