2015年6月29日 星期一

It took a flash of insight for Pei to realize the essential form his building would take and how to position it in relation to the West Building.

As demonstrated in this early sketch by a member of I.M. Pei’s design team, the irregular shape of the building site itself presented the architects with the most significant challenge.
It took a flash of insight for Pei to realize the essential form his building would take and how to position it in relation to the West Building. He later recalled the moment: “I was returning to New York after a Gallery meeting in 1968 trying to find a solution to that difficult site. I sketched a trapezoid on the back of an envelope. I drew a diagonal line across the trapezoid and produced two triangles. That was the beginning.”
Detail, concept sketches from the Yann Weymouth notebook, September 1968 - January 1969, Gift of I.M. Pei and Partners, National Gallery of Art Archives
