除了音乐、文学、历史,莱比锡也成了当代美术中心。早在东西德统一的1990年以前,这里的废旧工业区Plagwitz就成了众多艺术家陆续开设工作室的地方,并开创了所谓的新莱比锡画派(Neue Leipziger Schule)。最著名的代表要属尼奥·劳赫(Neo Rauch)。他是土生土长的莱比锡人,是当代最受关注的德国画家之一。如今他的超现实主义作品扬名世界,而且多以天价售出。
'Paranoia', oil on canvas painting by Neo Rauch, 2007
Rauch's paintings suggest a narrative intent but, as art historian Charlotte Mullins explains, closer scrutiny immediately presents the viewer with enigmas: "Architectural elements peter out; men in uniform from throughout history intimidate men and women from other centuries; great struggles occur but their reason is never apparent; styles change at a whim."