2015年6月25日 星期四

Rosalba Carriera. Marianne Brandt, “Untitled,” 1930,

Marianne Brandt studied at the Bauhaus school of art, architecture, and design in Weimar before becoming an assistant professor there. Under the tutelage of László Moholy-Nagy she took up photography and began making photomontages, often using clippings from newspapers and film magazines to comment on current social and political events. Ominous imagery ranging from a businessman in chains to smoke engulfing the lower half of the montage suggests the rising economic and political tensions of the time.
Marianne Brandt, “Untitled,” 1930, photomontage on paper

Rosalba Carriera - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Rosalba Zuanna Carriera (12 January 1673 – 15 April 1757) was a Venetian Rococo painter. In her younger years, she specialized in portrait miniatures.

Carriera was one of the most successful female artists of her generation, with her pastel portraits in delicate and subtly blended colours attracting an international clientele. She achieved the luminous, silvery tone of ‘Portrait of a Man’ through the use of a restricted palette: http://bit.ly/1DZ1cnS
