2018年8月17日 星期五

姚謙(Chien Yao)

著名填詞人姚謙(Chien Yao)對藝術的熱情,由他為歌手江美琪寫過一首《我愛夏卡爾》可見一斑。無論是台灣還是北京的家,姚謙家中的牆總會向亞洲二十世紀油畫致敬 - 常玉、劉野、林風眠、席德進、奈良美智等等的名家作品,配上Bernard Buffet、Maurice Utrillo的作品,掛滿牆壁。但他聲稱自己是理性的收藏家,認為每一張畫永遠有一個客觀的數據,不會盲目地追逐一幅畫:「我愛你但不一定要娶你,否則我要娶多少人?」

音樂人姚謙,是作詞人、製作人,港台1/3的明星都和他合作過。忙碌了大半輩子,在50歲時,他決定退出演藝圈,搬離市中心明星聚集的豪宅區,到台北郊區找了個幽靜的山谷,一個人住4層樓,與滿屋子的藏品為伴,自得其樂。#製作人 #姚謙 #音樂

Yao Qian is a lyricist and producer who has worked with one third of the pop stars in Hong Kong and Taiwan. He decided to quit the entertainment industry at the age of 50 after being busy working for most of his life. Moving away from the mansion area teaming with celebrities in downtown, he finds a peaceful valley in the suburban Taipei and builds a 4-storey home there. He enjoys himself with a house of collections.
