2018年8月11日 星期六

Royal de Luxe

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Royal de Luxe, Amiens from 2005
Royal de Luxe is a French mechanical marionette street theatrecompany. They were founded in 1979 in Aix-en-Provence[1] by Jean-Luc Courcoult. After some years based in Toulouse, the company moved to Nantes in 1989. The company has performed in FranceBelgiumEnglandGermanyIcelandChileAustraliaMexicoCanadaSwitzerland and Ireland.

照過來照過來!巨大無比的木偶怪獸,即將襲擊荷蘭北方菲仕蘭省的呂伐登市(Leeuwarden)!呂伐登被評選為2018年的「歐洲文化之都」,一整年在城市內有大大小小的活動們,現在連由Royal de Luxe公司製作的大娃娃們都來湊熱鬧啦!8/17、8/18和8/19一連三天,你還可以目睹這批怪獸上演的巨大滑冰秀(Grote Schaats in het IJs (Big Skate in the Ice)),快準備好你的相機走一趟菲仕蘭省吧~~
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These marionettes are huge and lifelike.
